On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 10:39 AM Michael McCune <elm...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 12:27 PM Christian Glombek <cglom...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> The OKD4 roadmap is currently being drafted here:
>> https://hackmd.io/Py3RcpuyQE2psYEIBQIzfw
>> There was an initial discussion on it in yesterday's WG meeting, with
>> some feedback given already.
>> I have updated the draft and am now calling for comments for a final
>> time, before a formal
>> Call for Agreement shall follow at the beginning of next week on the OKD
>> WG Google group list.
>> Please add your comments before Monday. Thank you.
> i'm not sure if i should add this on the document, but is there any
> consensus (one way or the other) about the notion of bringing forward the
> all-in-one work that was done in openshift-ansible for version 3?
> i am aware of code ready containers, but i would really like to see us
> provide the option for a single machine install.
I would personally like to see some kind of all-in-one setup support like
in OKD v3. I had made my own inventory for doing this for my personal
setups: https://pagure.io/openshift-allinone-deployment-configuration

It helps with playing with these things. :)

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