El 21/12/17 a las 03:22, Luke Shumaker escribió:
> Hi guys,
> I wrote a little pyalpm script for finding blacklist replacements (as
> in the second column in blacklist.txt).
> I'll be polishing it up and committing it soon, but it did identify a
> few problems/concerns.
>  - unrar is replaced by both libre/unar and pcr/gna-unrar.  libre/unar
>    should drop the replaces=(unrar) line, and pcr/gna-unrar should be
>    moved to libre.


>  - tensorflow has several other versions that are not blacklisted:
>    tensorflow-opt and tensorflow-opt-cuda.  I think that this is an
>    argument toward prioritizing switching to pkgbase-based
>    blacklisting.

I agree, for example the 'linux' package from arch is an split package
which compiles 'linux', 'linux-headers' and 'linux-docs'. Although it
might make difficult to specify its replacement.

I mean, let's say we blacklist linux and linux-docs/linux-headers are
automatically blacklisted. All right up to there, but where do we
specify that linux-headers' replacement is linux-libre-headers? (same
for -docs)

>  - b43-fwcutter is not replaced by, but is provided by
>    libre/b43-tools.  For one, I am flabbergasted that whatever freedom
>    issues b43-fwcutter has aren't also issues with b43-tools.
>    Secondly, b43-tools should probably replaces=(b43-fwcutter), or be
>    renamed to b43-fwcutter.

Did not know about this.

>  - Why does linux-libre-pck provide linux-zen?  Replacing it (which it
>    doesn't do) makes a little bit of sense, but providing it makes no
>    sense to me.

The Parabola Community Kernel *has the linux-zen patch* (which has BFQ,
BFS and gracy's gcc kernel patch) plus a few others (as of now, apart
from ZEN, it has TuxOnIce, UKSM and AUFS). So technically it does
replace and provides linux-zen since, as I said, ZEN is one if the
patches from PCK.

>  - What's the deal with pcr/mesa-vanilla replacing a bunch of nvidia
>    stuff?  It seems that mesa-vanilla is unmaintained since
>    emulatorman and coadde left, we should just drop it?

We should look for packages that depend on it. If there aren't, I don't
see why not removing it.

>  - The following packages are on pcr, but should be moved to libre:
>    figlet, mplayer-vaapi

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