Le 28/11/2019 à 23:35, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Hello Antoine,

Le 28/11/2019 à 23:17, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
Hello Samuel,

I'm agree with you about the issue.
I will try to find a way to change the console properties inside binary like when we change color in nw mode ( W/B vs B/W )


But I does not show trouble with 2 or 3 and others superscript numbers.

With this configuration

Neither does it for me, provided that this setting is done /before/ running Scilab.

Humm, mainly provided that the code page was changed to 65001 before this font setting.

By the way, /Lucida console/ is much UTF-8-richer than /Consolas/ (you may test the text below in Scinotes with both fonts, and compare their renderings), and superscripts 0,4-9 are bigger.

I don't know what tests i did, but on my computer as well, superscripts are displayed with /Consolas/, but NOT with /Lucida Console/, that looks less rich on this aspect. But much poorer than /DejaVue Mono/, that however is not in the list of default TrueType fonts of Windows (7) computers, contrarily to /Consolas/ and /Lucida console/.

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