On 2017-05-22, Dominik Psenner wrote:

> This is a vote to introduce gitflow on the log4net subproject. gitflow
> would mean that we make use of the following named branches:

> * master
>     Marks stable milestones and is moves on with a release.

> * develop
>     Development of the next milestone should happen here.

> * feature/featurename
>      These should be named branches used to develop a feature that needs
> some crafting and unstable modifications. Only when a feature is complete
> and stable, it should be merged back into develop.

> * hotfix/hotfixname
>     Hotfixes branch from master and modifications should happen here. When
> the hotfix is complete, a release should be made and this branch should
> then be merged into master. Please note that modifications to the site
> during a release should also happen here, while this is not an actual
> release.

> * release/releasename
>     A release branch used to prepare the codebase for a release.

> +1: Yes!
> +0: Go ahead, don't care that much.
> -0: Don't like it, but not vetoing it.
> -1: No, don't do that! I have a better idea!

> This vote follows the "lazy consensus" (no -1/vetoes). The vote will be
> open for at least 72 hours after that I'm going to push the develop branch.


I personally prefer feature branches and master in the role you assign
to develop, but that's a matter of taste. Please ensure github tracks
develop as the default branch when the vote passes.


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