The steps to mark Log4jNet as inactive were:

1. Create a tag of the source. 
2. Create an archive of the source to be placed in the logging distribution 
3. Modify the Log4Net web site to indicate it is dormant.
4. Modify the web site to include Log4Net in a list of dormant projects along 
with a description of what being dormant means.
5. Mark all LOG4NET issues as wont fix in Jira.
6. Ask INFRA to prevent new LOG4NET issues from being created.

You should have received a VOTE email for items 1 & 2. 
I have completed item 3 with the exception of updating the download page to 
link to the source archive.
I have completed item 4 and additionally added Log4j 1.x and Log4j extras as 
dormant sites.
I added a comment to all open LOG4NET jira issues but I am not going to 
manually modify 218 issues.
I created 
<> for Jira to lock down 
Log4Net issues.

Once the vote completes I will update the download page.


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