Guten Tag Robert Middleton,
am Sonntag, 6. September 2020 um 20:54 schrieben Sie:

> Thorsten, do all of the tests pass for you?  The reason I ask is because
> the 'encodingtest' always fails for me.  I've gotten the build to run with
> Github Actions as well, and it always fails there as well, so maybe there's
> some sort of locale/encoding issue going on?

It works for me when running in Visual Studio with pretty much default
installation, executing "ctest" manually on the old "cmd.exe" and
doing the same with Powershell as well. I just pulled your merged PR
and tested with MASTER after removing all old CMAKE- and VS-related
directories from the project.

I did NOT customize any string-related options of the CMAKE-build, so
whatever the build defaults to should be used in my environment.

Additionally, running the tests after building with Embarcadero RAD
Studio 10.2 on "cmd.exe" succeeds as well. One important difference is
that I'm using the wchar_t-API of log4cxx in those cases.

Running those tests additionall results in lots of output on the
console, which is not the case for "ctest". There's e.g. the following
first line, but nothing more specifically focussing "encodingtest":

> LC_CTYPE: LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.850
> [...]
> encodingtest        : SUCCESS

Do you get any useful error output at all somewhere? If not, not using
"ctest" in favour of a plain exe might help debugging. I've uploaded
my built projects somewhere, just if it is of any help:

The attached mail contains infos about where to place things.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..............0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow
--- Begin Message ---
Guten Tag Stephen Webb,
am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 05:54 schrieben Sie:

> Thorsten did not accept my pull request.

And I still won't, the necessary tools to make them succeed can easily
be provided for Windows as well:

> C:\Program Files (x86)\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin

Even the Java-part is not too difficult. I've attached my example
script running the tests in a directory layout like the following:

> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\build\RAD 
> 10.2\tests\test_all
> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\build\RAD 
> 10.2\tests\test_all\Win32\Debug\out
> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\dist
> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\dist-dev
> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\src
> Documents\Svn\Src\Libs\trunk\C++\Logging\log4cxx\0.11.0-SNAPSHOT\web

Everyone is free to ignore failing tests anyway. Not running many of
those and not notifying the user about that OTOH provides a wrong
feeling that everything's OK, while things might fail at runtime.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..............0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

:: Testausführung in der Shell.
:: Dieses kleine Script dient nur dazu, die Tests in der Shell leichter 
ausführen zu können, ohne
:: sich dort mit Pfaden dusslig zu tippen und die für manche Tests benötigten 
Umgebugsvariablen zu
:: vergessen. Das ist im Projekt zwar auch alles definiert, dort sieht man aber 
nicht so einfach das
:: zusammenfassende Ergebnis, weil sich die Anwendung ja per default sofort 
beendet. Der Einfachheit
:: halber ist hier auch erst mal alles hart kodiert, weil wir in der Regel 
wirklich nur einmal alles
:: ausführen und das Endergebnis sehen wollen.
:: Für etwas mehr Komfort beim Aufruf werden einfach alle Argumente an das 
Script direkt an die Exe
:: durchgereicht, weil es gar nicht so unwahrscheinlich ist, auch mal nur 
einzelne Tests laufen zu
:: lassen.

set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-8\bin;C:\Program Files 
set TEST_PROJ=%cd%
set LOG4CXX_VER_BASE=..\..\..\..
set TEST_SRC=%LOG4CXX_VER_BASE%\src\src\test
set TEST_RES=%TEST_SRC%\resources

set TOTO=wonderful
set key1=value
set key2=value2

set log4j_CLASSPATH=%TEST_PROJ%\log4j-1.2.17.jar
set SOCKET_SERVER_COMMAND="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-8\bin\java.exe" -classpath 

pushd "%TEST_RES%"
javac -d "." -classpath "%log4j_CLASSPATH%" "%SOCKET_SERVER_SOURCES%"
"%TEST_PROJ%\Win32\Debug\out\%~n0.exe" %*

goto :EOF

--- End Message ---

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