I've merged the fix for our FixedDateFormat caching bug which caused us to 
recompute the same millisecond-precision formatted timestamp unnecessarily each 
time our microsecond-precision clock incremented. 

I've also been unwrapping a few layers of complexity, wrapping several layers 
of components with conditional logic makes it harder for the jit to optimize 
code, so we can improve things by using separate types based on the requested 
TODO: I'm not happy with the way I unwrapped PatternFormatter objects in this 
PR, I think it could work better as an optional wrapper around the delegate 
LogEventPatternConverter (where the default FormattingInfo returns the delegate 
instance directly)
TODO: simplify MessagePatternConverter  a bit, the body is giant for something 
that's generally relatively simple. The method is too large for me to read in a 
glance, so I imagine the jit will have a hard time making it fast as well. I 
don't really like the message-format feature which allows lookups in the 
formatted message text because it leaks details of the framework 
implementation/configuration into consumers of logging APIs (which may not even 
be log4j-core), however I'm not sure how reasonable it would be to change the 
default to disallow lookups given I'm sure folks depend on that behavior.

I'm not sure what to do about the CharsetEncoder vs string.getBytes(charset) 
issue. The CharsetEncoder does not require allocation and outperforms getBytes 
when I add a unicode character to the message. When the message contains only 
ascii characters, getBytes performs better. Using 
CharBuffer.wrap(StringBuilder) produces substantially worse performance -- it 
shouldn't be copying the buffer in memory, but I suppose the heap buffer is 
more efficient to deal with. I need to do more research in this area.


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