Hi Ralph,

On Tue, 2 May 2023 at 00:09, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> 1. As noted below you tagged with red/0.1.0-rc2.  You really shouldn’t be 
> using rel/ as a tag for candidates. Instead use something like tools-1.0-rc2. 
>  rel tags are treated special by Infra and are meant for ONLY the “real” 
> release tags (in this case 1.0).

I used the same naming scheme as `logging-log4j-tools`. In that repo
the tag is set up by the CI and starts with `rel/`:
IIRC this is intentional and allows us to be sure what was used by the CI.

> 2. I checked out the tag and ran the build but it seems to hang at
> [INFO] --- maven-invoker-plugin:3.5.1:integration-test (default) @ 
> log4j-transform-maven-plugin ---
> [INFO] Building: location/pom.xml
> I ended up killing it after 5 minutes.

These are the integration tests run by the Apache Maven Invoker
Plugin, most notably caused by the default value of the
`locationRepositoryPath` setting:
Maven recommends to keep it at its default value, which causes tons of
Maven artifacts to be redownloaded:

"It is strongly recommended to specify a path to an isolated
repository like ${project.build.directory}/it-repo. Otherwise, your
ordinary local repository will be used, potentially soiling it with
broken artifacts."

Probably we should disable the integration tests sometime in the
future, but for the first release I wanted to be sure a basic project
using the Log4j Transformation Maven plugin compiles.


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