I don’t think this is a problem. Only users of Log4j 3.x should be using Java 
17 and up by the time this makes it to an LTS release. Log4j 3.x has put the 
annotation processor in its own jar. When using JPMS the annotation processor 
has to be explicitly specified so we really had no choice but to do this. I 
suspect this isn’t documented as well as it should be though.


> On Oct 20, 2023, at 10:38 AM, Matt Sicker <m...@musigma.org> wrote:
> Snippet from the JDK 21 announcement email that pertains to us. While the 
> annotation processor was initially developed to try to be implicit and magic, 
> as we’ve seen both in our build and in IDEs, annotation processing is 
> typically either disabled by default (in IDEs) or sometimes requires manual 
> setup anyways (like in our build). It sounds like starting in Java 22, 
> implicit annotation processing will no longer be available. We’ll need to 
> ensure our docs about this mention that you need to enable annotation 
> processing in your build, too.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: David Delabassee <david.delabas...@oracle.com>
>> Subject: JDK 21 Is Now GA, a New VS Code Extension, and an Annotation 
>> Processing Heads-up
>> Date: October 20, 2023 at 4:39:07 AM CDT
>> To: "dev@logging.apache.org" <dev@logging.apache.org>
>> Reply-To: dev@logging.apache.org
>> List-Id: <dev.logging.apache.org>
>> ## Heads-Up - JDK 22: Implicit Annotation Processing Behavior Change
>> As discussed in the July 2023 Quality Outreach update [8], starting in JDK 
>> 21 javac emits a note if _implicit_ annotation processing is being used, 
>> that is, if one or more annotation processors are found and run from the 
>> class path when no explicit annotation processing configuration options are 
>> used.
>> The note is reported since, quoting from the note text: "A future release of 
>> javac may disable annotation processing unless at least one processor is 
>> specified by name (-processor), or a search path is specified 
>> (--processor-path, --processor-module-path), or annotation processing is 
>> enabled explicitly (-proc:only, -proc:full)."
>> That future version of javac has arrived in JDK 22 b19+ with JDK-8306819 
>> ("Consider disabling the compiler's default active annotation processing"). 
>> In the situation where a note was emitted in JDK 21, in JDK 22 no note is 
>> emitted, and annotation processors are *not* run. To restore the previous 
>> behavior with respect to running annotation processors, add the '-proc:full' 
>> javac option.
>> Feedback on the annotation processing policy change can be sent to 
>> compiler-dev [9].
>> [8] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/quality-discuss/2023-July/001122.html
>> [9] https://mail.openjdk.org/mailman/listinfo/compiler-dev

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