Staying from the built-in Service Loader is a recipe for even more
custom code and complications. I say we stick with the built-in
Service Loader.


On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 5:01 PM Piotr P. Karwasz
<> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> On Sun, 22 Oct 2023 at 22:49, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
> > So now we come to your question about a factories file. That’s an 
> > interesting idea, though it’s extremely similar to what we’re doing here 
> > with ServiceLoader (though the split between META-INF/services/ files and 
> > provides/uses entries is confusing). Moving away from 
> > ServiceLoader to a custom mechanism might be more flexible, though I’m not 
> > very knowledgeable about how Java modules work with them.
> I think that `ServiceLoader` is the only standard feature that is
> supported by both OSGi and JPMS. If we move away from it, we'll need
> some custom code to support it (or `opens`, etc). I wouldn't go that
> way.
> Piotr

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