One of the main reasons why I supported Flume joining this PMC was that I 
noticed it has significant overlap with projects in the observability space 
despite not being advertised as such. For example, the project FluentBit is 
extremely similar to Flume, but its main purpose is for collecting, processing, 
forwarding, etc., logs, metrics, and traces (i.e., observability data). 
FluentBit is not the only thing in this space, though it seems to be fairly 
popular. These sorts of tools are used for ultimately publishing observability 
data to one or more observability tools like Prometheus, Splunk, Jaeger, 
Grafana, etc., and with a unified collector and processor, it becomes possible 
to publish all your observability data into one tool rather than three or more 
disparate tools (and the added operational costs of storing tons of duplicated 
log data from three or more methods of generating log data).

A project at the CNCF, OpenTelemetry, has become the sort of de facto standard 
for interoperability in this space. In particular, they’ve published the OTLP 
specification <> for general telemetry 
data delivery and the OpenTelemetry specification 
<> for various common APIs. While I’m 
still researching in this space, I think it would be useful for Flume to 
integrate with some of these APIs and SDKs (while other parts might be more 
relevant in our logging libraries instead). There is also the Open Agent 
Management Protocol <> which is still 
in beta status that might also be relevant here (and potentially relevant in 
the logging libraries).

Supporting common standards for our projects seems like a useful thing to do, 
and despite the popularity of some existing solutions there, I believe there is 
plenty of space for us to contribute. I also think that this can provide 
opportunity for the various components in this PMC to interoperate as these 
specs are fairly language neutral with some sample versions in many different 

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