
The vote has been open for 6 days because we were under the impression the vote 
was going be cancelled based on Piotr’s feedback. I can commit to having the 
review done in 72 hrs if the release is cut today or tomorrow. This slow down 
for me at work this time of the year so between now and New Years Day is a 
great time to get stuff done.


> On Dec 19, 2023, at 6:12 AM, Christian Grobmeier <> wrote:
> Hi Volkan
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023, at 13:43, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
>> I am cancelling this vote. I may try to issue an RC2 this week if time
>> allows. If you think that is inconvenient due to upcoming xmas, and/or you
>> want to issue the RC2 yourself, please let me know.
> please don't cut an RC2 this week. This vote took 6 days and some nitpicks. I 
> am afraid it might be open over christmas. Apart from that, I know how tight 
> your schedule is, so you may take it as a relief to not cut another one :)
> Thanks for your hard work!
>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 4:26 PM Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:
>>> This is a vote to release the Apache Log4j 3.0.0-beta1.
>>> Website:
>>> GitHub:
>>> Commit: c5dbdcfeb0216e1e3e333436e9b4d04cc3b8e6fd
>>> Distribution:
>>> Nexus:
>>> Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0
>>> Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list.
>>> [ ] +1, release the artifacts
>>> [ ] -1, don't release, because...
>>> This vote is open for 72 hours and will pass unless getting a
>>> net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage
>>> everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC
>>> votes are officially counted.
>>> == Review Kit
>>> The minimum set of steps needed to review the uploaded distribution
>>> files in the Subversion repository can be summarized as follows:
>>>    # Check out the distribution
>>>    svn co && cd $_
>>>    # Verify checksums
>>>    shasum --check *.sha512
>>>    # Verify signatures
>>>    wget -O - | gpg --import
>>>    for sigFile in *.asc; do gpg --verify $sigFile; done
>>>    # Verify reproduciblity
>>>    umask 0022
>>>    unzip * -d src
>>>    cd src
>>>    export NEXUS_REPO=
>>>    sh mvnw -Prelease \
>>>        verify artifact:compare \
>>>        -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO \
>>>        -Dcyclonedx.skip
>>> Some SBOM discrepancy is causing reproducibility mismatch, hence the
>>> `-Dcyclonedx.skip`. Since `2.x` and `main` are greatly diverged, I couldn't
>>> figure out the missing piece yet.
>>> == Release Notes
>>> This is the first beta release of the upcoming major release, i.e.,
>>> `3.0.0`.
>>> === Added
>>> * Add annotations for nullability. (LOG4J2-1477)
>>> * Remove deprecated code. (LOG4J2-2493)
>>> * Add a more generalized dependency injection system to plugins inspired
>>> by JSR 330. (LOG4J2-2803)
>>> * Add and enhance structured properties for per-context settings outside
>>> configuration files. (1473)
>>> * Automate artifact publishing and release preparation. (LOG4J2-3466)
>>> * Add support for dependency injection of plugins into container types
>>> such as `Optional<T>`, `Collection<T>`, `Set<T>`, `Stream<T>`, `List<T>`,
>>> and `Map<String, T>`. (LOG4J2-3496)
>>> * Add support for `ConstraintValidator` in plugin classes. (LOG4J2-3497)
>>> === Changed
>>> * Remove liquibase-log4j2 maven module (#1193)
>>> * Make the output of annotation processing reproducible. (#1520)
>>> * Replace `synchronized` blocks with locks for improved performance with
>>> virtual threads. (#1532)
>>> * Removes additional `isFiltered` checks in `AsyncLoggerConfig`. (#1550)
>>> * Ignore exceptions thrown by PropertySources. Eliminate
>>> ClassCastException when SimpleLoggerContext is used.
>>> (spring-projects/spring-boot#33450, #1799)
>>> * Update `com.lmax:disruptor` to version `4.0.0` (#1829)
>>> * Migrate most tests to JUnit 5. This includes a more powerful set of test
>>> extensions. (LOG4J2-2653)
>>> * Make Log4j use its own BOM. (LOG4J2-3511)
>>> * Change encoding of HTTP Basic Authentication to UTF-8. (#1970)
>>> * Upgraded the required compiler version to Java 17
>>> * Upgraded the required runtime version to Java 17
>>> * Update `actions/checkout` to version `4.1.1` (#1869)
>>> * Update `actions/setup-java` to version `3.13.0` (#1809)
>>> * Update `actions/setup-python` to version `4.7.1` (#1831)
>>> * Update `ch.qos.logback:logback-classic` to version `1.4.14` (#2028)
>>> * Update `com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core` to version
>>> `3.11.5` (#1889)
>>> * Update `com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom` to version `2.16.0` (#1974)
>>> * Update `com.github.luben:zstd-jni` to version `1.5.5-11` (#2032)
>>> * Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin` to version ``
>>> (#1879)
>>> * Update `com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8` to version `2.35.1` (#1765)
>>> * Update `` to version `2.23.0`
>>> (#1871)
>>> * Update `` to version `32.1.3-jre` (#1934)
>>> * Update `com.h2database:h2` to version `2.2.224` (#1917)
>>> * Update `commons-codec:commons-codec` to version `1.16.0` (#2054)
>>> * Update `commons-io:commons-io` to version `2.15.1` (#2035)
>>> * Update `commons-logging:commons-logging` to version `1.3.0` (#2046)
>>> * Update `de.flapdoodle.reverse:de.flapdoodle.reverse` to version `1.7.2`
>>> (#2000)
>>> * Update `io.netty:netty-bom` to version `4.1.101.Final` (#1999)
>>> * Update `` to version `5.14.0` (#2082)
>>> * Update `org.apache.aries.spifly:org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle`
>>> to version `1.3.7` (#2053)
>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-compress` to version `1.25.0` (#2055)
>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-csv` to version `1.10.0` (#2041)
>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2` to version `2.11.0` (#2044)
>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-lang3` to version `3.14.0` (#2036)
>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-pool2` to version `2.12.0` (#2038)
>>> * Update `org.apache.groovy:groovy-bom` to version `4.0.16` (#2039)
>>> * Update `org.apache.maven:maven-core` to version `3.9.6` (#2049)
>>> * Update `org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-junit47` to version `3.2.2`
>>> (#2051)
>>> * Update `org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-juli` to version `10.1.16` (#2052)
>>> * Update `org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils` to version `3.5.1` (#2061)
>>> * Update `org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom` to version `9.4.53.v20231009`
>>> (#1931)
>>> * Update `org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.jpa` to version
>>> `2.7.13` (#1933)
>>> * Update `org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.osgi` to version `3.18.600`
>>> (#2064)
>>> * Update `org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client`
>>> to version `7.17.15` (#1996)
>>> * Update `org.graalvm.truffle:truffle-api` to version `23.1.1` (#1872)
>>> * Update `org.jctools:jctools-core` to version `4.0.2` (#1995)
>>> * Update `org.jmdns:jmdns` to version `3.5.9` (#2069)
>>> * Update `org.junit:junit-bom` to version `5.10.1` (#1993)
>>> * Update `org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer` to version `2.2.0` (#1986)
>>> * Update `org.mockito:mockito-bom` to version `5.8.0` (#2031)
>>> * Update `org.mongodb:bson` to version `4.11.1` (#1991)
>>> * Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot` to version `2.7.17` (#1902)
>>> * Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies` to version
>>> `2.7.18` (#2002)
>>> * Update `org.springframework:spring-framework-bom` to version `5.3.30`
>>> (#1903)
>>> * Update `org.springframework:spring-test` to version `5.3.31` (#1992)
>>> * Update `org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java` to version `` (#1877)
>>> * Update `org.zeromq:jeromq` to version `0.5.4` (#1888)
>>> * Update `` to version `2.1.5` (#2001)
>>> * Update OpenTest4J to version `1.3.0`
>>> === Removed
>>> * Remove `GelfLayout` (a GELF-compatible layout is still possible using
>>> JSON Template Layout) (#1951)
>>> * Remove `log4j-cassandra` (#1951)
>>> * Remove `log4j-couchdb` (#1951)
>>> * Remove Jackson-based JSON configuration support. JSON configuration
>>> files are now handled through a built-in JSON parser.
>>> * Moved Log4j Jakarta EE modules (`log4j-jakarta-jms`,
>>> `log4j-jakarta-smtp`, and `log4j-jakarta-web`) to their own repository[1]
>>> and website[2] (#1966)
>>> * Removed all Java EE modules: `log4j-jms`, `log4j-jpa`, `log4j-smtp`,
>>> `log4j-web` (#1966)
>>> * Remove `log4j-jeromq` module (users are recommended to migrate to
>>> loghublog4j2[3]) (#1951)
>>> * Remove `log4j-kafka` (#1951)
>>> * Remove `log4j-layout-jackson-json` module (it is superseded by JSON
>>> Template Layout) (#1951)
>>> * Remove `log4j-layout-jackson-yaml` module (#1951)
>>> * Remove legacy OSGi integration. `ServiceLoader` mechanism should be used
>>> instead.
>>> * Remove `log4j-mongodb3` module (#1951)
>>> * Remove support for `SecurityManager`. Starting in Java 21, a custom
>>> `SecurityManager` cannot be used.
>>> * Remove `log4j-spring-boot` module (its features are upstreamed to
>>> `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-log4j2`) (#1951)
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> === Fixed
>>> * Remove locale-dependent `toLowerCase/toUpperCase` calls. (#1281)
>>> * Add environment variable arbiter. (#1312)
>>> * Fixed logging of java.sql.Date objects by appending it before Log4J
>>> tries to call java.util.Date.toInstant() on it. (#1366)
>>> * Adapt the OSGi metadata of `log4j-api`, `log4j-core`, `log4j-slf4j-impl`
>>> and `log4j-slf4j2-impl` to activate the bundle when it is accessed. To
>>> achieve that set the `Bundle-ActivationPolicy` to `lazy` for the log4j
>>> bundles. (#1367)
>>> * Fix runtime dependencies documentation. (#1530)
>>> * Allow to override fqcn in `Log4jEventBuilder` by implementing
>>> `CallerBoundaryAware`. (#1533)
>>> * Migrate MongoDB tests to JUnit 5 and Flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB 4.
>>> (#1589)
>>> * Fixed rollover strategy in the Log4j 1.x compatibility layer. (#1650)
>>> * Only shutdown Log4j after last `Log4jServletContextListener` is
>>> executed. (#1782)
>>> * Fixes context data loss if `<AsyncLogger>` components are used with an
>>> all async logger context. (#1786)
>>> * AppenderLoggingException logging any exception to a MongoDB Appender.
>>> (LOG4J2-3392)

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