
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023, at 21:14, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
> Hi Ralph
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023, at 16:20, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> The vote has been open for 6 days because we were under the impression 
>> the vote was going be cancelled based on Piotr’s feedback. I can commit 
>> to having the review done in 72 hrs if the release is cut today or 
>> tomorrow. This slow down for me at work this time of the year so 
>> between now and New Years Day is a great time to get stuff done.
> Volkan must decide, but I assume some of us will be out of the office 
> starting this Saturday, and I wonder if he will find the time to cut 
> one (I know what he has left on his plate).
> Could you help out as a release manager in case he can't?
> Generally, spreading the knowledge of releasing using the new toy is a 
> good idea.

Disregarding my last message, Volkan found the time it seems.

> Christian
>> Ralph
>>> On Dec 19, 2023, at 6:12 AM, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@apache.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Volkan
>>> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023, at 13:43, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
>>>> I am cancelling this vote. I may try to issue an RC2 this week if time
>>>> allows. If you think that is inconvenient due to upcoming xmas, and/or you
>>>> want to issue the RC2 yourself, please let me know.
>>> please don't cut an RC2 this week. This vote took 6 days and some nitpicks. 
>>> I am afraid it might be open over christmas. Apart from that, I know how 
>>> tight your schedule is, so you may take it as a relief to not cut another 
>>> one :)
>>> Thanks for your hard work!
>>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 4:26 PM Volkan Yazıcı <vol...@yazi.ci> wrote:
>>>>> This is a vote to release the Apache Log4j 3.0.0-beta1.
>>>>> Website: https://logging.staged.apache.org/log4j
>>>>> GitHub: https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2
>>>>> Commit: c5dbdcfeb0216e1e3e333436e9b4d04cc3b8e6fd
>>>>> Distribution: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/logging/log4j
>>>>> Nexus:
>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1246
>>>>> Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0
>>>>> Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list.
>>>>> [ ] +1, release the artifacts
>>>>> [ ] -1, don't release, because...
>>>>> This vote is open for 72 hours and will pass unless getting a
>>>>> net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage
>>>>> everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC
>>>>> votes are officially counted.
>>>>> == Review Kit
>>>>> The minimum set of steps needed to review the uploaded distribution
>>>>> files in the Subversion repository can be summarized as follows:
>>>>>    # Check out the distribution
>>>>>    svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/... && cd $_
>>>>>    # Verify checksums
>>>>>    shasum --check *.sha512
>>>>>    # Verify signatures
>>>>>    wget -O - https://downloads.apache.org/logging/KEYS | gpg --import
>>>>>    for sigFile in *.asc; do gpg --verify $sigFile; done
>>>>>    # Verify reproduciblity
>>>>>    umask 0022
>>>>>    unzip *-src.zip -d src
>>>>>    cd src
>>>>>    export NEXUS_REPO=https://repository.apache.org/content/...
>>>>>    sh mvnw -Prelease \
>>>>>        verify artifact:compare \
>>>>>        -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO \
>>>>>        -Dcyclonedx.skip
>>>>> Some SBOM discrepancy is causing reproducibility mismatch, hence the
>>>>> `-Dcyclonedx.skip`. Since `2.x` and `main` are greatly diverged, I 
>>>>> couldn't
>>>>> figure out the missing piece yet.
>>>>> == Release Notes
>>>>> This is the first beta release of the upcoming major release, i.e.,
>>>>> `3.0.0`.
>>>>> === Added
>>>>> * Add annotations for nullability. (LOG4J2-1477)
>>>>> * Remove deprecated code. (LOG4J2-2493)
>>>>> * Add a more generalized dependency injection system to plugins inspired
>>>>> by JSR 330. (LOG4J2-2803)
>>>>> * Add and enhance structured properties for per-context settings outside
>>>>> configuration files. (1473)
>>>>> * Automate artifact publishing and release preparation. (LOG4J2-3466)
>>>>> * Add support for dependency injection of plugins into container types
>>>>> such as `Optional<T>`, `Collection<T>`, `Set<T>`, `Stream<T>`, `List<T>`,
>>>>> and `Map<String, T>`. (LOG4J2-3496)
>>>>> * Add support for `ConstraintValidator` in plugin classes. (LOG4J2-3497)
>>>>> === Changed
>>>>> * Remove liquibase-log4j2 maven module (#1193)
>>>>> * Make the output of annotation processing reproducible. (#1520)
>>>>> * Replace `synchronized` blocks with locks for improved performance with
>>>>> virtual threads. (#1532)
>>>>> * Removes additional `isFiltered` checks in `AsyncLoggerConfig`. (#1550)
>>>>> * Ignore exceptions thrown by PropertySources. Eliminate
>>>>> ClassCastException when SimpleLoggerContext is used.
>>>>> (spring-projects/spring-boot#33450, #1799)
>>>>> * Update `com.lmax:disruptor` to version `4.0.0` (#1829)
>>>>> * Migrate most tests to JUnit 5. This includes a more powerful set of test
>>>>> extensions. (LOG4J2-2653)
>>>>> * Make Log4j use its own BOM. (LOG4J2-3511)
>>>>> * Change encoding of HTTP Basic Authentication to UTF-8. (#1970)
>>>>> * Upgraded the required compiler version to Java 17
>>>>> * Upgraded the required runtime version to Java 17
>>>>> * Update `actions/checkout` to version `4.1.1` (#1869)
>>>>> * Update `actions/setup-java` to version `3.13.0` (#1809)
>>>>> * Update `actions/setup-python` to version `4.7.1` (#1831)
>>>>> * Update `ch.qos.logback:logback-classic` to version `1.4.14` (#2028)
>>>>> * Update `com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core` to version
>>>>> `3.11.5` (#1889)
>>>>> * Update `com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom` to version `2.16.0` (#1974)
>>>>> * Update `com.github.luben:zstd-jni` to version `1.5.5-11` (#2032)
>>>>> * Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin` to version ``
>>>>> (#1879)
>>>>> * Update `com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8` to version `2.35.1` 
>>>>> (#1765)
>>>>> * Update `com.google.errorprone:error_prone_core` to version `2.23.0`
>>>>> (#1871)
>>>>> * Update `com.google.guava:guava-testlib` to version `32.1.3-jre` (#1934)
>>>>> * Update `com.h2database:h2` to version `2.2.224` (#1917)
>>>>> * Update `commons-codec:commons-codec` to version `1.16.0` (#2054)
>>>>> * Update `commons-io:commons-io` to version `2.15.1` (#2035)
>>>>> * Update `commons-logging:commons-logging` to version `1.3.0` (#2046)
>>>>> * Update `de.flapdoodle.reverse:de.flapdoodle.reverse` to version `1.7.2`
>>>>> (#2000)
>>>>> * Update `io.netty:netty-bom` to version `4.1.101.Final` (#1999)
>>>>> * Update `net.java.dev.jna:jna` to version `5.14.0` (#2082)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.aries.spifly:org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle`
>>>>> to version `1.3.7` (#2053)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-compress` to version `1.25.0` (#2055)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-csv` to version `1.10.0` (#2041)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2` to version `2.11.0` (#2044)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-lang3` to version `3.14.0` (#2036)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.commons:commons-pool2` to version `2.12.0` (#2038)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.groovy:groovy-bom` to version `4.0.16` (#2039)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.maven:maven-core` to version `3.9.6` (#2049)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-junit47` to version `3.2.2`
>>>>> (#2051)
>>>>> * Update `org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-juli` to version `10.1.16` (#2052)
>>>>> * Update `org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils` to version `3.5.1` (#2061)
>>>>> * Update `org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom` to version `9.4.53.v20231009`
>>>>> (#1931)
>>>>> * Update `org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.jpa` to version
>>>>> `2.7.13` (#1933)
>>>>> * Update `org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.osgi` to version `3.18.600`
>>>>> (#2064)
>>>>> * Update `org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client`
>>>>> to version `7.17.15` (#1996)
>>>>> * Update `org.graalvm.truffle:truffle-api` to version `23.1.1` (#1872)
>>>>> * Update `org.jctools:jctools-core` to version `4.0.2` (#1995)
>>>>> * Update `org.jmdns:jmdns` to version `3.5.9` (#2069)
>>>>> * Update `org.junit:junit-bom` to version `5.10.1` (#1993)
>>>>> * Update `org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer` to version `2.2.0` (#1986)
>>>>> * Update `org.mockito:mockito-bom` to version `5.8.0` (#2031)
>>>>> * Update `org.mongodb:bson` to version `4.11.1` (#1991)
>>>>> * Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot` to version `2.7.17` 
>>>>> (#1902)
>>>>> * Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies` to version
>>>>> `2.7.18` (#2002)
>>>>> * Update `org.springframework:spring-framework-bom` to version `5.3.30`
>>>>> (#1903)
>>>>> * Update `org.springframework:spring-test` to version `5.3.31` (#1992)
>>>>> * Update `org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java` to version `` (#1877)
>>>>> * Update `org.zeromq:jeromq` to version `0.5.4` (#1888)
>>>>> * Update `uk.org.webcompere:system-stubs-core` to version `2.1.5` (#2001)
>>>>> * Update OpenTest4J to version `1.3.0`
>>>>> === Removed
>>>>> * Remove `GelfLayout` (a GELF-compatible layout is still possible using
>>>>> JSON Template Layout) (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-cassandra` (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-couchdb` (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove Jackson-based JSON configuration support. JSON configuration
>>>>> files are now handled through a built-in JSON parser.
>>>>> * Moved Log4j Jakarta EE modules (`log4j-jakarta-jms`,
>>>>> `log4j-jakarta-smtp`, and `log4j-jakarta-web`) to their own repository[1]
>>>>> and website[2] (#1966)
>>>>> * Removed all Java EE modules: `log4j-jms`, `log4j-jpa`, `log4j-smtp`,
>>>>> `log4j-web` (#1966)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-jeromq` module (users are recommended to migrate to
>>>>> loghublog4j2[3]) (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-kafka` (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-layout-jackson-json` module (it is superseded by JSON
>>>>> Template Layout) (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-layout-jackson-yaml` module (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove legacy OSGi integration. `ServiceLoader` mechanism should be used
>>>>> instead.
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-mongodb3` module (#1951)
>>>>> * Remove support for `SecurityManager`. Starting in Java 21, a custom
>>>>> `SecurityManager` cannot be used.
>>>>> * Remove `log4j-spring-boot` module (its features are upstreamed to
>>>>> `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-log4j2`) (#1951)
>>>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j-jakarta
>>>>> [2] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/jakarta
>>>>> [3] https://github.com/fbacchella/loghublog4j2
>>>>> === Fixed
>>>>> * Remove locale-dependent `toLowerCase/toUpperCase` calls. (#1281)
>>>>> * Add environment variable arbiter. (#1312)
>>>>> * Fixed logging of java.sql.Date objects by appending it before Log4J
>>>>> tries to call java.util.Date.toInstant() on it. (#1366)
>>>>> * Adapt the OSGi metadata of `log4j-api`, `log4j-core`, `log4j-slf4j-impl`
>>>>> and `log4j-slf4j2-impl` to activate the bundle when it is accessed. To
>>>>> achieve that set the `Bundle-ActivationPolicy` to `lazy` for the log4j
>>>>> bundles. (#1367)
>>>>> * Fix runtime dependencies documentation. (#1530)
>>>>> * Allow to override fqcn in `Log4jEventBuilder` by implementing
>>>>> `CallerBoundaryAware`. (#1533)
>>>>> * Migrate MongoDB tests to JUnit 5 and Flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB 4.
>>>>> (#1589)
>>>>> * Fixed rollover strategy in the Log4j 1.x compatibility layer. (#1650)
>>>>> * Only shutdown Log4j after last `Log4jServletContextListener` is
>>>>> executed. (#1782)
>>>>> * Fixes context data loss if `<AsyncLogger>` components are used with an
>>>>> all async logger context. (#1786)
>>>>> * AppenderLoggingException logging any exception to a MongoDB Appender.
>>>>> (LOG4J2-3392)

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