Hi Gary,

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 13:55, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll give you all my -1 POV here:

I share some of your concerns.
My main motivation for this experiment with Develocity is not to save
up CI time, but to improve its responsiveness.

>From my contributions to other projects I learned that each project
has some ("arbitrary") set of PR checks (formatting, unit tests,
integration tests).
Some of these checks fail fast enough so that I am able to fix them in
the time I have available for that project. If those checks fail
later, I'll fix them a couple of days (or weeks) later.

We could configure PTS as a fail-fast mechanism:

* for each PR we first run with PTS to see if it can find failing tests,
* if that check succeeds we run the whole suite.

If the PTS algorithm is sound, we might provide feedback to users in
less than 10 minutes. Worst case scenario, they'll learn that the
build failed later.

What do you think?


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