Hey, thanks for tackling this! That synonymfilter is a beast...

Can you open a JIRA issue with your patch?

To me the interesting part is this change in the test:

          if (posInc > 0) {
            // This token increments position, so it is starting a new position.
            // Its position is the last position plus the posLength of the
            // last token that started a position.
            pos += lastPosLength;
            lastPosLength = posLength;

This currently implies some change to how posInc/posLen are treated on
the consumer side: it would need changes to queryparsers and
indexwriter to work (which is fine, we could figure out those
semantics). But its my understanding this logic might be based on some
properties specific to synonymfilter being greedy, and not really
general to all streams. So maybe it synonymfilter or some other filter
needs to do this adjustment internally instead.

Anyway, I think we should make an issue and investigate it.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Ian <ianri...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Some time ago, I had a problem with synonyms and phrase type queries
> (actually, it was elasticsearch and I was using a match query with multiple
> terms and the "and" operator, as better explained here:
> https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/10394).
> That issue led to some work on Lucene:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-6400 (where I helped a little
> with tests) and  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-6401. This
> issue is also related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-3843.
> Starting from the discussion on LUCENE-6400, I'm attempting to implement a
> solution. Here is a patch with a first step - the implementation to fix
> "SynFilter to be able to 'make positions'" (as was mentioned on the issue).
> In this way, the synonym filter generates a correct (or, at least, better)
> graph.
> As the synonym matching is greedy, I only had to worry about fixing the
> position length of the rules of the current match, no future or past
> synonyms would "span" over this match (please correct me if I'm wrong!). It
> did require more buffering, twice as much.
> The new behavior I added is not active by default, a new parameter has to be
> passed in a new constructor for SynonymFilter. The changes I made do change
> the token stream generated by the synonym filter, and I thought it would be
> better to let that be a voluntary decision for now.
> I did some refactoring on the code, but mostly on what I had to change for
> may implementation, so that the patch was not too hard to read. I created
> specific unit tests for the new implementation (TestMultiWordSynonymFilter)
> that should show how things will be with the new behavior.
> Speaking of tests, I ran "analysis-common" tests locally (windows 8, java
> 8), and had only 2 unrelated failures (as far as I can tell) complaining of
> missing PostingsFormat "FSTOrd50".
> Thanks for any help, comment, adjustment on the patch. I'll do my best to
> make the necessary adjustments.
> Please forgive me if I did not follow any rule, of the code or of the list,
> and I would be grateful to be able to learn from my mistakes.
> Regards,
> Ian
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