We have never promised or delivered back compat on Java APIs beyond best
effort. I agree we should stick to http APIs and solrj for stronger back
compat, and simply do our best to be reasonable with the rest.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 2:05 AM Shai Erera <ser...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In Lucene there are three types of public APIs:
> "public stable": not annotated and for them we try to maintain backward
> compatibility across minor releases
> "public experimental": annotated with @lucene.experimental. If possible,
> back-compat is maintained, but otherwise you can expect them to change
> between minor versions
> "public internal": annotated with @lucene.internal. Due to Java
> limitations, these are public classes/methods, but we have no intention to
> keep them backward compatible.
> Even the "public stable" APIs are further divided, though not through
> annotations, and more a feel and consensus on a particular issue, into
> expert and non-expert APIs. Take for example the overhaul that was done to
> SpanQuery in LUCENE-6308. I believe it was decided that users who implement
> their own SpanQuery, are probably expert users and can take the API changes.
> When it comes to Solr, I always viewed user-facing APIs as SolrJ and the
> REST APIs and therefore referred to them as "public stable". When it comes
> to plug-ins, I view them at most as "public expert". I don't think that
> Solr users who write their own plug-ins should be viewed as simple users.
> They are more than the average user IMO. Even if the plug-in that they
> write is super simple, like adding a log message, how bad can an API break
> be for them to change their code?
> I think that, even if not publicly announced, in Lucene we sort of dropped
> the requirement of jar drop-in ability. I personally believe that there are
> only few users who expect to upgrade a search server running Solr from
> version X to Y, without this affecting their code. So for the majority of
> users who use SolrJ and the REST APIs, this will be the case since we
> guarantee back-compat. For those who write their own plug-ins, it may be a
> matter of luck. Either they do or don't have to recompile their code. For
> the super expert ones, e.g. who write a plug-in from scratch or do really
> invasive things, I think it's fair to ask them to align with the new APIs.
> I implemented a bunch of SpanQuery who worked fine in 5.2.1. Last week
> I've decided to upgrade to 5.4 and had to rewrite the queries. In the
> process, I discovered that the new API helps me implement my queries
> better, as well one of the queries was now available from Lucene. I didn't
> complain about it, as painful as it was, since I trust the developers who
> have made that decision to weigh the pros and cons of the API changes.
> Also, I find it odd that some of the arguments made here distinguish Solr
> users from Lucene users. Ain't a Solr user who implements his own
> QParsePlugin subject to the same API changes (e.g. SpanQuery) in Lucene,
> that non-Solr users are? Why do we even attempt to make that distinction?
> Solr is built on top of Lucene, so most likely the plugin that you write
> will need to interact w/ Lucene API too.
> As to the particular issue in SOLR-8475, the API break will be resolved by
> any modern IDE with a simple "Organize Imports". And I don't view
> SolrIndexSearcher as anywhere near the top-level of the APIs that we should
> maintain. Nor do I think that SolrCache is one such (as another example,
> unrelated to that issue). The interfaces that define plugins, maybe. But
> the internals are subject, IMO, to either be "solr expert" or "solr
> internal".
> If we want to refactor those pieces in Solr (and I think that we should,
> and I try to help with it), we must be more flexible around our API
> guarantees. Also, trust the devs to not rewrite APIs just for the hack of
> it, but if they do, it's for a good reason, for them (as code maintainers)
> and our users.
> Shai
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 8:36 AM Noble Paul <noble.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would say, SolrJ and REST APIs MUST BE backward  compatible between
>> minor versions.
>> The question is about the internal java APIs. It is impossible to get
>> 100% right on these things. If we can start annotating classes/methods
>> and let users suggest stuff then we should be in a reasonably good
>> situation over an year.
>> As a first step open a ticket and define a process to make a certain
>> API backcompat .
>> may be an annotation or whatever.
>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Anshum Gupta <ans...@anshumgupta.net>
>> wrote:
>> > Thanks David,
>> >
>> > I agree with what you've suggested but the bigger question here again is
>> > *which* files do we guarantee back-compat for. I suggest we guarantee
>> > back-compat for SolrJ and REST APIs. For everything else i.e. Java
>> APIs, we
>> > should try and maintain back-compat but there shouldn't be a guarantee
>> and
>> > should be the developer's prerogative else defining what is to be
>> annotated
>> > as "Long term support" and what isn't becomes subject to usage and
>> debate.
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:32 AM, david.w.smi...@gmail.com
>> > <david.w.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Great topic Anshum.
>> >>
>> >> I’ve been frustrated with the back-compat situation since Lucene/Solr
>> 5 as
>> >> a maintainer of my “SolrTextTagger”.  One version of the plugin
>> supports 4.3
>> >> thru the end of the 4x line, whereas on the 5x side I’ve needed 3
>> versions
>> >> already (5.0-5,1, 5.2, 5.3+)!  Sometimes on the API consumer side
>> there is
>> >> simply a new way compatible with the old way and those don’t bother me
>> much;
>> >> what’s annoying is just flat-out differences that can’t easily be coded
>> >> around without reflection.  But in my experience through the
>> SolrTextTagger
>> >> (YMMV), Solr hasn’t been the main offender of such changes — it’s
>> Lucene
>> >> changes (be it removing liveDocs bits to get postings, changing the
>> >> BytesRefAttribute signature, or something I don’t remember now). At
>> least
>> >> twice it was avoidable IMO.  Nevertheless, we Solr devs should come up
>> with
>> >> a back-compat policy, a simple document/paragraph perhaps, and save it
>> >> somewhere so we can refer to it.  Lets not have to dig through the
>> mailing
>> >> list to know our policy some day in the future when we want to explain
>> it!
>> >>
>> >> I suggest that Solr's *default* policy for any source file (Java API)
>> that
>> >> doesn’t otherwise annotate a back-compat statement is to be permissive
>> to
>> >> changes — developer judgement on how much back-compat makes sense to
>> them.
>> >> I say this because the Solr code base is large and I think a relatively
>> >> small portion of it should aim for stability.  Lets take
>> SearchComponent as
>> >> an example.  *That* needs to be stable.  But does HighlightComponent?
>> I
>> >> really don’t think so; besides, it only has one overridable method
>> defined
>> >> by this class that isn’t inherited.   Oddly (IMO) there is a separate
>> >> abstraction SolrHighlighter and I can intuit that it’s this guy that
>> was
>> >> intended to be the abstraction of the Highlighter implementation, not
>> the
>> >> some-what generic HighlightComponent.  So arguably SolrHighlighter
>> should be
>> >> stable.  DefaultSolrHighlighter is debatable as being stable — it’s a
>> >> specific highlighter but it has a bunch of methods designed to be
>> overridden
>> >> (and I have done so).  So I think that’s a judgement call (developer
>> >> prerogative).
>> >>
>> >> Should we apply a back-compat policy statement (either through a simple
>> >> comment or better through a new annotation), I don’t think we should
>> feel
>> >> helpless to strictly abide by it for the entire major version range.
>> We
>> >> might decide that such changes are possible provided it gets at least
>> one +1
>> >> and no -1 veto from another developer.
>> >>
>> >> Summary:
>> >> * Publish a back-compat policy/approach where we can refer to it
>> easily.
>> >> * The default policy of source files without annotations is the
>> >> developer’s prerogative — no back-compat.
>> >> * Annotate the back-compat Java source files as-such and allow us to
>> break
>> >> back-compat only if voted.
>> >>
>> >> ~ David
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:28 AM Anshum Gupta <ans...@anshumgupta.net>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> I was looking at refactoring code in Solr and it gets really tricky
>> and
>> >>> confusing in terms of what level of back-compat needs to be
>> maintained.
>> >>> Ideally, we should only maintain back-compat at the REST API level.
>> We may
>> >>> annotate a few really important Java APIs where we're guarantee
>> back-compat
>> >>> across minor versions, but we shouldn't certainly be doing that
>> across the
>> >>> board.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thoughts?
>> >>>
>> >>> P.S: I hope this doesn't spin-off into something I fear :)
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Anshum Gupta
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
>> >> LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley | Book:
>> >> http://www.solrenterprisesearchserver.com
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Anshum Gupta
>> --
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>> Noble Paul
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- Mark

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