Those flaky Solr tests are annoying since people will also run into
failures when checking the RC? Should we disable these tests on the 7.0
branch so that building and verifying this RC isn't annoying to everybody
working on this release?

Le lun. 28 août 2017 à 19:23, Anshum Gupta <> a écrit :

> Thanks Adrien! It worked with a fresh clone, at least ant check-licenses
> worked, so I’m assuming the RC creation would work too.
> I’m running that, and it might take a couple of hours for me to create
> one, as a few SolrCloud tests are still a little flakey and they fail
> occasionally.
> -Anshum
> On Aug 28, 2017, at 10:13 AM, Anshum Gupta <> wrote:
> Adrien,
> Yes, ant check-licenses fails with the same error, and so does ant
> validate (from the root dir). This is after running ant clean -f.
> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/build.xml:117: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/lucene/build.xml:90: The following
> error occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/lucene/tools/custom-tasks.xml:62: JAR
> resource does not exist: analysis/icu/lib/icu4j-56.1.jar
> I didn’t realize that the dependency was upgraded, and what confuses me is
> that the file actually exists.
> anshum$ ls analysis/icu/lib/icu4j-5
> icu4j-56.1.jar  icu4j-59.1.jar
> It seems like it’s something that git clean, ant clean clean-jars etc.
> didn’t fix. This is really surprising but I’ll try and checking out again
> and creating and RC (after checking for the dependencies).
> I think ant should be responsible for cleaning this up, and not git so
> there’s something off there.
> -Anshum
> On Aug 28, 2017, at 8:51 AM, Adrien Grand <> wrote:
> You mentioned you tried to run the script multiple times. Have you run git
> clean at some point? Maybe this is due to a stale working copy?
> Le lun. 28 août 2017 à 08:53, Adrien Grand <> a écrit :
>> Hi Anshum,
>> Does running ant check-licenses from the Lucene directory fail as well?
>> The error message that you are getting looks weird to me since Lucene 7.0
>> depends on ICU 59.1, not 56.1 since
>> Le ven. 25 août 2017 à 23:42, Anshum Gupta <> a écrit :
>>> A quick question, in case someone has an idea around what’s going on.
>>> When I run the following command:
>>> python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/ --push-local
>>> /Users/anshum/solr/release/7.0.0/rc0 --rc-num 1 --sign <my-key>
>>> I end up with the following error:
>>> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/build.xml:117: The following error
>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/lucene/build.xml:90: The following
>>> error occurred while executing this line:
>>> /Users/anshum/workspace/lucene-solr/lucene/tools/custom-tasks.xml:62:
>>> JAR resource does not exist: analysis/icu/lib/icu4j-56.1.jar
>>> Any idea as to what’s going on? This generally fails after the tests
>>> have run, and the script has processed for about 45 minutes and it’s
>>> consistent i.e. all the times when the tests pass, the process fails with
>>> this warning.
>>> I can also confirm that this file exists at
>>> lucene/analysis/icy/lib/icu4j-56.1.jar .
>>> Has anyone else seen this when working on the release?
>>> -Anshum
>>> On Aug 23, 2017, at 4:21 AM, Andrzej Białecki <
>>>> wrote:
>>> On 23 Aug 2017, at 13:06, Uwe Schindler <> wrote:
>>> Keep in mind that there is also branch_7_0.
>>> Right, but the changes related to these issues were committed to master
>>> before branch_7_0 was created, and these specific issues are only about
>>> back-porting to 6x.
>>> Uww
>>> Am 23. August 2017 12:26:42 MESZ schrieb "Andrzej Białecki" <
>>>> On 23 Aug 2017, at 08:15, Anshum Gupta <> wrote:
>>>> I also found more issues when comparing 7x, with 6x this time. I’ll
>>>> take a look at wether it’s just the CHANGES entries or have these actually
>>>> missed the branch. I assume it’s just the CHANGES, but want to be sure. If
>>>> the committers involved can pitch in, I’d appreciate, else I’ll work on
>>>> this for a bit right now and continue with this tomorrow morning.
>>>> - SOLR-10477 (Ab)
>>>> This is a partial back-port of relevant improvements from master to 6x,
>>>> so there are no strictly corresponding commits on 7x/master.
>>>> - SOLR-10631: Metric reporters leak on 6x. (Ab)
>>>> This one has been fixed as part of other related issues in branches 7.x
>>>> / master, so it only required a specific fix for 6x.
>>>> - SOLR-10000 (Ab)
>>>> This has been committed first to 7x, then to 6x and it’s present in
>>>> branch_6_6.
>>>> ---
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Andrzej Bialecki
>>> --
>>> Uwe Schindler
>>> Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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