Hi Mike,

Thanks for the feedback.

> I think the delayed deletes might have to do w/ segment warming?

I'll have to digest the scenario you described tomorrow. I didn't hit
any exceptions when running those modified code snippets (which I'd be
very grateful to see -- they'd provide an immediate proof something is

> I am glad you're finding a use for this crazy class!

It's super-useful for people who wish to low-level tweak the index
format. I dreaded this for a long time, but for us it'd provide many
benefits. We have a scenario where documents can be indexed once (and
stay in the primary index) and certain derived indexes (features
indexed on top of those documents) can be placed in the secondary
index. The benefit here is that our data used to index features can
change from time to time (as new documents emerge); then we can simply
drop those existing secondary indexes and provide up-to-date ones.
This saves disk I/O and is still fairly transparent to the rest of the
application (because fields never clash between the primary and the
secondary index and documents are always aligned).

Your 'demo' class is a great example of how this can be done. The
class is surely advanced. Read: it crams way too many aspects into one
class :) Each of these could be a separate demo:

- splitting indexes into parallel once (primary/ secondary), with
automatic secondary index creation on merges and startup.
- folding back secondary index data into the primary index on merges
(we don't need it, but I imagine there exist a scenario for this),
- keeping multiple versions of the secondary index (those "generations").

And probably lots more. It's a very interesting advanced use case.

> And how did you find this test :)

I've been looking at ParallelCompositeReader for some time; as I was
scanning it internally for its use cases within the code I somehow
came across that "demo" class which leveraged its lower-level
internals. It did take me some time to go through the class's internal
workings because of confusingly named variables (I ended up renaming
them to 'primary' and 'secondary' index instead of the original
'parallel'). But hey, I don't complain -- it's still an awesome piece
of code!


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