Thanks Adrien, I'll take a look at the FloatPointNearestNeighbor
implementation. Points are really an exciting feature!

Joel Bernstein

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 8:53 AM, Adrien Grand <> wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> You can search for nearest neighbors of a vector, see eg. Steve's
> FloatPointNearestNeighbor in the sandbox. One important limitation is that
> it can only work on the whole index, ie. you can't find for the nearest
> neighbors to a point that also match a filter. If you want to do this, you
> will need to store your vector in a doc-values field and implement a
> SortField that sorts by distance similarly to LatLonPointSortField.
> Points do not have the concept of a terms enum, it is rather a tree of
> bounding boxes where the leaves store points that are within this bounding
> box.
> Le mer. 7 févr. 2018 à 14:48, Joel Bernstein <> a
> écrit :
>> I've been digging into the capabilities of the current points
>> implementation in Lucene. The use case I'm interested in is K nearest
>> neighbor search for vectors. The idea is to provide Lucene with a  vector
>> to search for, seek to a location in the TermsEnum that most closely
>> matches the vector and then be able to retrieve the K nearest vectors above
>> and below the match.
>> Can the current implementation support this type of query? If it doesn't
>> support this yet, does the underlying structure of the KDTree support this
>> and it just needs a new TermsEnum implementation?
>> Thanks,
>> Joel

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