On 11/27/2018 3:32 AM, Uwe Schindler wrote:
I'd like to bring one thing into attention: This library conscrypt is 
ASF2-licensed, but the JAR files contain binary versions of an OpenSSL fork 
named BoringSSL. I'd recommend to check the licensing, because OpenSSL licenses 
are a bit strange (some BSD fork, also ASF2, but some code is still outdated - 
I am not sure what the fork actually uses). I have the feeling we should 
include ASF legal department.

Nevertheless, I am not 100% sure if conscrypt should really be inclued by 
default in SolrJ. As SolrJ is a client library for Solr and can be used by 
external projects, there is the problem of incompatibilities with the native C 
code included. E.g., if one uses SolrJ with IBM J9 or other Java versions 
different from openjdk. So I'd be careful. My question is: Do we really need 
that library. To me it looks like it improves speed only, or is there something 
that requires its use?

As you might know ... full and proper http/2 support with Java 8 requires the conscrypt library.  With Java 9 or higher, the functionality is provided natively by Java.  If I remember right, what conscrypt provides that Java 8 lacks is ALPN.

If there are license issues with conscrypt, perhaps it might make sense to require a newer major version of Java instead ... but I think that upgrading the project's Java requirement to 9, 10, or 11 probably requires a wider discussion.  Lucene probably has no burning need for it right now.  I have no idea whether there are language features in Java 9+ that we as a group are wanting to use.  Another point for consideration is that the effective EOL for Java 8 is fast approaching, and EOL dates have already come and gone for 9 and 10.


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