Hi all,

INFRA announced a few weeks back a new self-serve mechanism .asf.yaml:


As I understand it, the old forrest CMS built from svn will eventually go away
and this is the new shiny way to publish (and stage) project websites.

I propose that we start to play with .asf.yaml by first adding the file to 
our GitHub project description which now says "Mirror of Apache Lucene + Solr" 

Next let's migrate our web site from the svn over to a new branch in our git 
We could choose to use the Pelican static site generator, and then stage/publish
the site automatically using .asf.yaml magic. Moving from forrest to Pelican
(https://blog.getpelican.com) will take some effort, but they are both based on 
markdown and templating so should not be an impossible task :)

A positive site effect of moving our site to git could be that it gets easier to
dump our JavaDocs, RefGuide, future developer-Guides by simply committing html
files to the site git branch.

We should also design a new Lucene landing page but that's for another day...

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

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