Sort of playing devil’s advocate for sake of discussion, why would we pick 
Pelican static site generator over Jekyll static site generator which we 
already use for the Ref Guide? Why would we stay with Markdown when we already 
know that Asciidoc is a much more expressive markup language that we already 
use for hundreds of pages of content?

I know nothing about Pelican - your mail is the first I heard of it - so asking 
that really just as a way to get more info for why you prefer it.

Assuming we move to a world where something like the Ref Guide is simply 
“website content”, I could see it becoming burdensome to generate HTML files 
with 2 different systems in 2 different formats, etc. Is that a valid concern 
or not something you’re worried about?

On Sep 19, 2019, 3:33 AM -0500, Jan Høydahl <>, wrote:
> Hi all,
> INFRA announced a few weeks back a new self-serve mechanism .asf.yaml:
> As I understand it, the old forrest CMS built from svn will eventually go away
> and this is the new shiny way to publish (and stage) project websites.
> I propose that we start to play with .asf.yaml by first adding the file to 
> change
> our GitHub project description which now says "Mirror of Apache Lucene + 
> Solr" :)
> Next let's migrate our web site from the svn over to a new branch in our git 
> repo.
> We could choose to use the Pelican static site generator, and then 
> stage/publish
> the site automatically using .asf.yaml magic. Moving from forrest to Pelican
> ( will take some effort, but they are both based 
> on
> markdown and templating so should not be an impossible task :)
> A positive site effect of moving our site to git could be that it gets easier 
> to
> dump our JavaDocs, RefGuide, future developer-Guides by simply committing html
> files to the site git branch.
> We should also design a new Lucene landing page but that's for another day...
> --
> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
> Cominvent AS -
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