> With new CPU, builds seem up to 2 times faster. FYI, the Linux builds are
> running with tests.multiplicator=3 to better trigger JVM failures. You have
> to remind about that when you reproduce failures - it looks like this is
> not printed in reproduce lines.

It is printed with gradle builds (any non-defaults are). The option is
"tests.multiplier" actually; check if you don't have a typo there?

> But we can also drop Solaris builds, as they only work with 8.x - no Java
> 11 support on Solaris anymore by Oracle. Any comments?

As somebody who tries to look at each failure sent to the mailing list (at
least recently...) I still think the EA builds that are KNOWN to be buggy
should be disabled until next upgrade. They pollute the mailing list with
so many identical errors that this discourages one from looking through the


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