On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 5:28 PM Gézapeti Cseh <gezap...@apache.org> wrote:

I think separating the git repository and even the release schedules could
> be done under the same TLP.
It would solve most of the technical issues reflected in the first mail and
> there would be more time and data to

Hmm that is technically true, and in fact that is the way it was before 10
years ago: Solr was a sub-project of Apache Lucene.

But that is not the proposal here.

Lucene and Solr have become such major efforts, in developers and users
eyes and keyboard effort/time, that they really are very different entities
now.  TLP makes sense to me for each project.


> see if creating Apache Solr again is something the PMC would want to do

Hmm, just to clarify, this is not an "again" sort of situation: Solr was
not a top-level project before.  It was and still is a sub-project of
Apache Lucene.

And the proposal is to now split it out as its own (new) top-level project,
Apache Solr.

Mike McCandless


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