Thanks Ishan for the initiative!
I think that’s a good idea if it allows testing that branch, assuming some
are ready to invest what it takes and run this in production (maybe not
with user facing prod traffic?).

I do not think naming it Solr 10 is a good idea though, as it is likely
very different from what will end up being in Solr 10 (and even from what
will be in Solr 9.

I do hope we manage to port to master all these improvements!


On Sat 3 Oct 2020 at 21:42, Ishan Chattopadhyaya <>

> Hi Devs,
> As you might be aware, the reference_impl branch has a lot of improvements
> that we want to see in Solr master. However, it is currently a large
> deviation from master and hence the stability and reliability (though
> improved in certain aspects) remains to be tested in real production
> environments before we gain confidence in bringing those changes to master.
> I propose that we do a one off preview release from that branch, say Solr
> 10 alpha (early access) or any other name that someone suggests, so that
> users could try it out and report regressions or improvements etc.
> I volunteer to be the RM and planning to start the process around 1
> December-15 December timeframe. Until then, we can tighten the loose ends
> on the branch and plan for such a release.
> Is there any thoughts, concerns, questions?
> Regards,
> Ishan

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