We’re kind of in limbo at this point. Mark, Ishan and Noble are pushing (along 
with others) to make a much faster test suite, the “reference_impl”. Once 
that’s done, and assuming it live up to expectations, it should then be more 
reasonable to run all the test for each PR. We’ll have to wait a while to see.


> On Oct 9, 2020, at 2:42 PM, Gautam Worah <worah.gau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering why we don't run every test on every PR.
> I saw the earlier comment which said it was too expensive but it would be 
> good if we had that feature.
> As an experiment I ran all tests in a Github PR action here and it took  ~3h 
> 51m. 
> I think it is useful because sometimes we unknowingly break something in 
> another module and might not catch it locally because we run `./gradlew test` 
> only on the submodule that we've modified.
> It would also provide some benefit to reviewers (more confidence in merging?) 
> and reduce breakages in builds.
> Looking forward to your feedback!
> - Gautam
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 2:04 PM Houston Putman <houstonput...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback everyone!
> I'll get us started off with the docker and SolrJ tests. We can revisit after 
> a few weeks and see how it has gone.
> - Houston
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 2:28 PM Atri Sharma <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> +1.
> Ability to run tests in Github actions should help prevent a ton of build 
> breakages.
> Thanks for leading this, Houston!
> On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 at 21:24, Houston Putman <houstonput...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good point on the reference_impl branch. Eventually that's the goal, but 
> given there's not a timeline for that to be merged yet I think this is a good 
> stop-gap. It's a few minutes of work to get these PR actions written, so I 
> feel like there is little downside. And we can always remove them when the 
> reference_imp branch gets merged.
> This may block my ability to merge any PR whatsoever.
> The docker tests will not be run on any PRs that don't touch bin/solr, 
> solr/packaging or solr/docker.
> There are complications around running integration tests in a 
> non-containerized environment as well. And if the docker image tests are 
> failing on the PR, wouldn't you rather know before committing? Even if you 
> don't want to install docker, you can call in someone else that has it to 
> help debug. Much like PRs that affect solr.cmd, for committers without access 
> to a windows machine.
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 6:23 PM Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
> <ichattopadhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It would be great to run all the tests every time, but clearly that is too 
> > expensive.
> The reference_impl branch requires around 30 seconds to run all solr-core 
> tests. That's where we should all put our collective efforts.
> Also, I have reservations against docker based tests blocking PRs. If I don't 
> have docker running on my dev machine, I wouldn't be able to make those tests 
> pass. This may block my ability to merge any PR whatsoever.
> Why can't we have integration tests that do not rely on docker?
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 9:26 PM Houston Putman <houstonput...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Thought I'd make this a thread instead of a discussion on a single JIRA 
> ticket.
> Currently we have gradle precommit run on PRs for master, which is very 
> useful and gives people confidence in approving PRs. But precommit is 
> obviously not the only thing we care about before committing. It would be 
> great to run all the tests every time, but clearly that is too expensive.
> In SOLR-14856, I proposed adding a github action to build and test the solr 
> docker image for PRs that affected relevant parts of the repo (solr/docker, 
> solr/bin, solr/packaging and solr/contrib/prometheus-exporter/bin). Running 
> the docker tests currently takes roughly 12 minutes in the github action, 
> which would be costly if it ran on every PR. But when running on the small 
> percentage of PRs that affect those code paths, I think the benefit outweighs 
> the cost.
> Beyond just the docker tests, I think we can leverage this ability for other 
> features that are limited to certain code paths. For example running tests 
> for contrib modules, testing solr/examples, and many of the independent 
> lucene modules. The SolrJ tests just ran in 3 minutes locally for me, maybe 
> that'd be a good candidate as well.
> Anyways I'm sure there are other good candidates out there, but I just wanted 
> to start the discussion and hear other opinions before diving any deeper. 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Atri
> Apache Concerted

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