Thank you David for reporting this.

Seems due to my recent changes. I reproduce the failure locally and will
look at this tomorrow.

With the distributed cluster state updates i've introduced a randomization
for using either Overseer based cluster state updates or distributed
cluster state updates in tests. This failure seems to happen in the
distributed state update case. I suspect it is due to Overseer returning
less stats than expected by the test (which is expected: Overseer cannot
return stats about cluster state updates if it does not handle cluster
state updates).

The following line in the logs tells that the run is using distributed
cluster state:
972874 INFO  (jetty-launcher-8973-thread-2) [     ]
o.a.s.c.DistributedClusterStateUpdater Creating
DistributedClusterStateUpdater with useDistributedStateUpdate=true. Solr
will be using distributed cluster state updates.


On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 3:00 PM David Smiley <> wrote:

> I encountered a failure from OverseerStatusTest locally.  According to our
> test failure trends, this guy only just recently started failing ~4-5% of
> the time, but previously was fine.  Only master branch.
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

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