For now, please use Label "fix-version:x.x.x" for version management as
written in

In other words,

1. Use
<> for
main branch.
<> for
9.x branch.

2. Do not use Milestone.
I removed Milestone 9.4.0. Sorry, we need a clear convention and
instructions about it. Milestone is fine with me, but we should avoid any
confusion unless we gain consensus on introducing it.

Feel free to push it forward if you would like, please.


2022年8月25日(木) 16:47 Tomoko Uchida <>:

> Hi all.
> I once proposed using Milestone for version management in GitHub before
> the issue migration.
> The proposal did not gain any support, so I thought we concluded that we
> use "fix-version" Label for issue/PR version management.
> But it looks like there are suggestions to use Milestone.
> What should we do?
> Tomoko

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