Thanks - the target I was using was the complete "build" target on the
whole project.  This will be a valuable improvement. ;-)

I have slow network here so it is possible that the entire build was slow
for that reason.  The machine is a new Dell laptop, 12 cores, 64GB memory,
but I am running under Windows Subsystem for Linux which is a bit slower
than native Ubuntu.  Still, the gradlew command you gave takes many minutes
(of which a sizable amount is spent in :gitStatus - more than 5 minutes
there alone).  Anything less than 10 minutes I deem acceptable, which this
doesn't quite manage, but I'll live.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 5:06 AM Dawid Weiss <> wrote:

> Thank you for the comment.
> Sorry if it came out the wrong way - I certainly didn't mean it to be
> unkind.
>> It took me several days just to get things set up so I was able to commit
>> again, and I did this through command-line not github.
> These things are not mutually exclusive - I work with command line as
> well. You just push to your own repository (or a branch, if you don't care
> to have your own fork on github) and then file a PR from there. If you're
> on a slower machine - this is even better since precommit checks run for
> you there.
>> The full gradlew script takes over 2 hours to run now so if there's a
>> faster target I can use to determine these things in advance I'd love to
>> know what it is.
> Well, this is crazy long so I wonder what's happening. I'd love to help
> but it'd be good to know what machine this is (disk, cpu, memory?) and what
> the build command was. Without knowing these, I'd say - run the tests and
> checks for the module you've changed only, not for everything. How long
> does this take?
> ./gradlew check -p lucene/spatial3d
> It takes roughly 1 minute for me, including startup (after the daemon is
> running in the background, it's much faster).
> There are some workflow examples/ hints I left here:
> Hope it helps,
> Dawid

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