> I have slow network here so it is possible that the entire build was slow
> for that reason.  The machine is a new Dell laptop, 12 cores, 64GB memory,
> but I am running under Windows Subsystem for Linux which is a bit slower
> than native Ubuntu.  Still, the gradlew command you gave takes many minutes
> (of which a sizable amount is spent in :gitStatus - more than 5 minutes
> there alone).  Anything less than 10 minutes I deem acceptable, which this
> doesn't quite manage, but I'll live.

These are extreme times, really. Anything filesystem related will be
slow(er) on Windows and there is a fair amount of files being written/
stat'd but it's still _nowhere_ near the times you're reporting (I also
work on Windows). This has to be an i/o bottleneck somewhere - git status
is basically no-op, see this:

>gradlew :gitStatus -Ptask.times=true
Aggregate task times (possibly running in parallel!):
   0.24 sec.  gitStatus

So something is off with that setup. I'd try running on Windows directly
first, just to rule out WSL quirks. It definitely should be much faster on
that hardware...



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