Thanks for also taking a look at the test failures!

On 20 July 2012 19:14, Robert Muir <> wrote:
> Hi Martinj: thanks for looking into this!
> I think have a better fix for these:
> the problem is actually in the AssertingAtomicReaders that
> AssertingDirectoryReader wraps its subreaders with.
> So I added the invisible-cache-key hack there, and removed it
> completely from LuceneTestCase.
Yes this was the problem. I think this fix wouldn't make hudson fail
again. Since the
FC insanity can't be detected.

During some test runs the AtomicReaderContext (in
Collector#setNextReader method) contains a
SlowCompositeReaderWrapper and this reader wraps another reader
something like this:
_0(5.0):C463 _1(5.0):C930 _2(5.0):C378 _3(5.0):C184))))

This used to cause the FC insanity test failures, but is this a
scenario that actually needs to be tested? Having a top level
readercontext in the setNextReader method seems like wrong usage to


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