: I think you're confusing the hierarchy of your database's types with the 
: hierarchy in Java.  In Java, a java.sql.Blob and a java.sql.Clob are 2 
: different things.  They do not extend a common ancestor (excpt 

Exactly - regardless of what the informix docs may say about how column 
types are related (for the purposes of casting an conversion in SQL) what 
matters is how the JDBC driver you are using maps your databases types to 
java types,

some quick googling pulls up this result...


Which lists specifically..

Informix BLOB -> JDBC BLOB
Informix CLOB -> JDBC CLOB

...i suspect that there is not any real problem with the ClobTransformer 
-- it seems to be working perfectly, dealing with the CLOB fields returned 
appropriately -- but there may in fact be a problem with if/how DIH deals 
with JDBC values that are LONGVARCHARs.

Since i don't see Types.LONGVARCHAR mentioned anywhere in the DIH code 
base, i suspect it's falling back to some default behavior assuming 
String data which doesn't account for the way LONGVARCHAR data is 
probably returned as an Object that needs to be streamed similar to a 

specifically, some quick googling for LONGVARCHAR in the JDBC APIs 
suggests that ResultSet.getUnicodeStream or ResultSet.getCharacterStream 
should be used for LONGVARCHAR columns -- but i don't see any usage of 
that method in the DIH code base.

geeky2: would you mind opening a bug to fix support for LONGVARCHAR in 


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