Can I vote for whichever one isn't based on XML? :)

I really can't imagine encoding a 10-billion node graph in XML.  Or rather,
I can, and I'm skeeeeeered.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Grant Ingersoll <>wrote:

> I'm going to write a converter to dump out clusters and their points to a
> graph structure so they can be displayed.
> Gephi (and others) supports a myriad of formats:
> * GEXF
> * GDF
> * GML
> * GraphML
> * Pajek NET
> * GraphViz DOT
> * CSV
> * Tulip TPL
> * Netdraw VNA
> * Spreadsheet
> Anyone have strong opinions on a format?  CSV is the simplest, obviously,
> but doesn't support attributes like GraphML.  I'm inclined to use GraphML or
> CSV.
> -Grant

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