Yeah, I hear you.  I've actually just modeled it like our VectorWriter and it 
will be pluggable.  I'm likely just going to do CSV and GML to start (the 
latter being XML)  Maybe we need YAGF (yet another graph format)?

I used to do a lot of NLP processing and output XML and always felt like what I 
was doing should have been called NLF -- Natural Language Formatting -- nothing 
like XML to take 1KB of text, process it through an NLP engine and turn it into 
20 MBs of XML.  Glory days.

On Sep 16, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Jake Mannix wrote:

> Can I vote for whichever one isn't based on XML? :)
> I really can't imagine encoding a 10-billion node graph in XML.  Or rather,
> I can, and I'm skeeeeeered.
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Grant Ingersoll <>wrote:
>> I'm going to write a converter to dump out clusters and their points to a
>> graph structure so they can be displayed.
>> Gephi (and others) supports a myriad of formats:
>> * GEXF
>> * GDF
>> * GML
>> * GraphML
>> * Pajek NET
>> * GraphViz DOT
>> * CSV
>> * Tulip TPL
>> * Netdraw VNA
>> * Spreadsheet
>> Anyone have strong opinions on a format?  CSV is the simplest, obviously,
>> but doesn't support attributes like GraphML.  I'm inclined to use GraphML or
>> CSV.
>> -Grant

Grant Ingersoll
Lucene Eurocon 2011:

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