So we should make sure that we don't bite ourselves with any
primitive <-> object boxing when interfacing nicely with guava...

It should be fine, but there are places where it will not (e.g. passing
a Function<Double, Double> to a Vector.apply() would, if allowed,
probably result in a lot of ephemeral object creation)

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:55 AM, Dan Filimon <>wrote:

> I'm adding interfaces for DoubleDoubleFunctions with the following special
> properties:
> f(x, 0) = x for any x
> f(0, y) = 0 for any y
> so that we can speed up sparse vector operations in these cases [1].
> Doing this, I'm also updating the existing functions in to
> support the new interfaces where appropriate.
> I'm seeing some functions use the PlusMult class (subtraction notably) and
> there seem to be lots of unused functions.
> Also, these functions don't implement Guava's Function interface making
> interfacing with Guava difficult in new code.
> Is this just a case of this being older less cleaned-up code, or are there
> reasons for this design?
> If it's the former, would anyone be willing to have a look and do some
> refactoring? Or, maybe add this as a started issue for GSOC students? :)
> [1]



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