BTW did this include the changes I made in the trunk recently? I would also
like to profile that code and see if we can squeeze out our Vectors and
Matrices more. Could you point me to how I can run the 1M example.


Robin Anil | Software Engineer | +1 312 869 2602 | Google Inc.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Robin Anil <> wrote:

> I was just emailing something similar on Mahout(See my email). I saw the
> TU Berlin name and I thought you would do something about it :) This is
> excellent. One of the next gen work on Vectors is maybe investigating this.
> Robin Anil | Software Engineer | +1 312 869 2602 | Google Inc.
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Sebastian Schelter <>wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> with regard to Robin mentioning JBlas [1] recently when we talked about
>> the performance of our vector operations, I ported the solving code for
>> ALS to JBlas today and got some awesome results.
>> For the movielens 1M dataset and a factorization of rank 100, the
>> runtimes per iteration dropped from 50 seconds to less than 7 seconds. I
>> will run some tests with the distributed version and larger datasets in
>> the next days, but from what I've seen we should really take a closer
>> look at JBlas, at least for operations on dense matrices.
>> Best,
>> Sebastian
>> [1]

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