> On Nov 29, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Sebastian Schelter <ssc.o...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 29.11.2013 17:59, Suneel Marthi wrote:
>> Open JIRAs for 0.9:
>> Mahout-1245, Mahout-1304, Mahout-1305, Mahout-1307, Mahout-1326 - related to 
>> Wiki updates. 
>> Definitely appreciate more hands here to review/update the wiki
>> M-1286 - Peng and
>> Sebastian, no updates on this. Can this be included in 0.9?
> I will look into this over the weekend!
>> M-1030 - Andrew Musselman

I'll have a patch for review this weekend, made progress yesterday.

>> M-1319, M-1328 -  Suneel
>> M-1347 - Suneel, patch has been committed to trunk.
>> M-1265 - I have been working with Yexi on this. Ted, would u have time to 
>> review this; the code's on Reviewboard.
>> M-1288 - Sole Recommender, Pat Ferrel
>> M-1345: Isabel, Frank. I think we are good on this patch. Isabel, could u 
>> commit this to trunk?
>> M-1312: Stevo, could u look at this?
>> M-1349: Any takers for this??
>> Others: Spectral Kmeans clustering documentation (Shannon)
>> On Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:38 AM, Suneel Marthi 
>> <suneel_mar...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Adding Mahout-1349 to the list of JIRAs . 
>> On Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:37 AM, Suneel Marthi 
>> <suneel_mar...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Update on Open JIRAs for 0.9:
>> Mahout-1245, Mahout-1304, Mahout-1305, Mahout-1307, Mahout-1326 - all 
>> related to Wiki updates, please see Isabel's updates.
>> M-1286 - Peng and
>> Sebastian, we had talked about this during the last hangout. Can this be 
>> included in 0.9?
>> M-1030- Andrew Musselman, its critical that we get this into 0.9, its been 
>> deferred for last 2 Mahout releases.
>> M-1319, M-1328, M-1347, M-1350 - Suneel
>> M-1265 - Multi Layer Perceptron, Yexi please look at my comments on 
>> Reviewboard.
>> M-1273 - Kun Yung, Ted, defer this to next release ???
>> M-1312, M-1256 - Stevo, could u take one of them
>> On Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:01 AM, Isabel Drost-Fromm 
>> <isa...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:23:11 -0800
>> (PST)
>> Suneel Marthi <suneel_mar...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Below are the Open issues for 0.9:-
>> This looks like we should be targeting Dec. 9th as code freeze to me.
>> What do you all think?
>>> Mahout-1245, Mahout-1304, Mahout-1305, Mahout-1307, Mahout-1326 - All
>>> related to Wiki updates, missing Wiki documentation and Wiki
>>> migration to new CMS.  Isabel's working on M-1245 (migrating to new
>>> CMS). Could some of the others be consolidated with that?
>> I believe MAHOUT-1245 essentially is ready to be published - all I want
>> before notifying INFRA to
>> switch to the new cms based site is one other
>> person to take at least a brief look.
>> For MAHOUT-1304 - Sebastian, can you please check that the cms based
>> site actually does fit on 1280px? We can close this issue then.
>> MAHOUT-1305 - I think this should be turned into a task to actually
>> delete most of the pages that have been migrated to the new CMS (almost
>> all of them). Once 1245 is shipped, it would be great if a few more
>> people could lend a hand in getting this done.
>> MAHOUT-1307 - Can be closed once switched to CMS
>> MAHOUT-1326 - This really relates to the old Confluence export plugin
>> we once have been using to generate static pages out of our wiki that
>> is no longer active. Unless anyone on the Mahout dev list
>> knows how to
>> fully
>> delete all exported static pages we should file an issue with
>> INFRA to ask for help getting those deleted. They definitely are
>> confusing to users.
>>> M-1286 - Peng and ssc, we had talked about this during the last
>>> hangout. Can this be included in 0.9?
>>> M-1030 - Andrew Musselman? Any updates on this, its important that we
>>> fix this for 0.9
>>> M-1319, M-1328,
>>>  M-1347, M-1364 - Suneel
>>> M-1273 - Kun Yung, remember talking about this in one of the earlier
>>> hangouts; can't recall what was decided?
>>> M-1312, M-1256 - Dan Filimon (or Stevo??)
>>> M-996  someone could pick
>> this up (if its still relevant with present
>>> codebase i.e.)
>> I think this can move to the next release - according to the
>> contributor and Sebastian the patch is rather hacky and there for
>> illustration purposes only. I'd rather see some more thought go into
>> that instead of pushing to have this in 0.9.
>>> M-1265 Yexi had submitted a patch for this, it would be good if this
>>> could go in as part of 0.9  
>>> M-1288 Solr Recommender - Pat Ferrell 
>>> M-1285: Any takers for this?
>> Would be nice to have - in particular if someone on dev@ (not
>> necessarily a committer) wants to get started with the code base.
>> Otherwise I'd say fix for next release
>> if time gets short.
>>> M-1356: Isabel's started on this, Stevo could u review this?
>> We definitely can punt that for the next release or even thereafter. It
>> would be great if someone who has some knowledge of Java security
>> policies would take a look. The implication of not fixing this
>> essentially is that in case someone commits test code that writes
>> outside of target or to some globally shared directory we might end up
>> having randomly failing tests due to the parallel setup again. But as
>> these will occur shortly after the commit it should be easy enough to
>> find the code change that caused the breakage.
>>> M-1329: Support for Hadoop 2
>> Is that truly feasable
>> within a week?
>>> M-1366:  Stevo, Isabel ????
>> This should be done as part of the release process by release manager
>> at the latest.
>>> M-1261: Sebastian???
>>> M-1309, M-1310, M-1311, M-1316 - all related to running Mahout on
>>> Windows ??
>> I'm not aware of us supporting Windows.
>>> M-1350 - Any takers?? (Stevo??)
>> To me this looks like a broken classpath on the user side. Without a
>> patch to at least re-produce the issue I wouldn't spend too much time
>> on this.
>> Isabel

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