
the draft looks good overall, I have some minor comments inline:

On 22.12.2013 03:28, Suneel Marthi wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please see below the first draft of Release notes for Mahout 0.9. Please feel 
> free to add/edit sections as u see fit.
> (This is a draft only).
> Regards,
> Suneel
> ---------------------------------
> The Apache Mahout PMC is pleased to announce the release of Mahout 0.9. 
> Mahout's goal is to build scalable machine learning libraries focused 
> primarily in the areas of collaborative filtering (recommenders), 
> clustering and classification (known collectively as the "3Cs"), as well as 
> the 
> necessary infrastructure to support those implementations including, but
> not limited to, math packages for statistics, linear algebra and others
> as well as Java primitive collections, local and distributed vector and
> matrix classes and a variety of integrative code to work with popular 
> packages like Apache Hadoop, Apache Lucene, Apache HBase, Apache 
> Cassandra and much more. The 0.9 release is mainly a clean up release in
> preparation for an upcoming 1.0 release targeted for first half of 2014, but 
> there are a few
> significant new features, which are highlighted below.
> To get started with Apache Mahout 0.9,
>  download the release artifacts and signatures at 
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/mahout or visit the central Maven 
> repository. 
> In
>  addition to the release highlights and artifacts, please pay attention 
> to the section labelled FUTURE PLANS below for more information about 
> upcoming releases of Mahout.
> As with any release, we wish to thank all of the users and contributors 
> to Mahout. Please see the CHANGELOG [1] and JIRA Release Notes [2] for 
> individual credits, as there are too many to list here.
> In the release package, the examples directory contains several working 
> examples of the core 
> functionality available in Mahout. These can be run via scripts in the 
> examples/bin
>  directory and will prompt you for more information to help you try 
> things out. Most examples do not need a Hadoop cluster in 
> order to run.
> The highlights of the Apache Mahout 0.9 release include, but are not 
> limited to the list below. For further information, see the included 
> - Scala DSL Bindings for Mahout Math Linear Algebra (MAHOUT-1297).
>    See 
> http://weatheringthrutechdays.blogspot.com/2013/07/scala-dsl-for-mahout-in-core-linear.html
> - New Multilayer Perceptron Classifier (MAHOUT-1265) 
> - Recommenders as a Search (MAHOUT-1288).  See 
> https://github.com/pferrel/solr-recommender
> - MAHOUT-1364: Upgrade Mahout to be Lucene 4.6.0 compliant
> - MAHOUT-1361: Online Algorithm for computing accurate Quantiles using 
> 1-dimensional Clustering
>   See 
> https://github.com/tdunning/t-digest/blob/master/docs/theory/t-digest-paper/histo.pdf
>  for the details.
> - Removed Deprecated algorithms.
> - the usual bug fixes. See JIRA [?} for more information on the 0.9 release.
> A total 91 separate JIRA issues were addressed in this release.
> The following algorithms that were marked deprecated in 0.8 have been removed 
> in 0.9:
> - From Clustering:
>   Dirichlet - replaced by Collapsible Variational Bayes (CVB)

I think we switched our LDA implementation to use CVB and removed
Dirichlet clustering, those are two different things, right?

>   Meanshift 
>   MinHash - removed due to poor performance and lack of usage
>   EigenCuts -
> - From Classification (both are sequential implementations)
>   Winnow - lack of actual usage
>   Perceptron - lack of actual usage 
> - Frequent Pattern Mining
> - Collaborative Filtering
>     All recommenders in org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender.knn
>     SlopeOne implementations in org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.slopeone 
> and org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender.slopeone
>     Distributed pseudo recommender in org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.pseudo
>     TreeClusteringRecommender in org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender

We should be careful, because the package knn could make people think we
removed our itembased recommenders (already caused confusion on twitter).

I think it would be sufficient to say we removed a couple of rarely used
recommenders, in particular SlopeOne.

> - Mahout Math
>     Lanczos in favour of SSVD    

IIRC, we agreed to not remove Lanczos, although it was initially
deprecated. We should undeprecate it.

>     Hadoop entropy stuff in org.apache.mahout.math.stats.entropy
> If you are interested in supporting 1 or more of these algorithms, please 
> make it known on dev@mahout.apache.org and via JIRA issues that fix and/or 
> improve them. Please also provide 
> supporting evidence as to their effectiveness for you in production.
> Mahout
>  is always looking for contributions focused on the 3Cs. If you are 
> interested in contributing, please see our contribution page, 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/MAHOUT/how-to-contribute.html, on the Mahout wiki or 
> contact us via email at dev@mahout.apache.org.
> 1.0 Plans
> ------------
> - New Downpour SGD classifier 
> - Support for Finite State Transducers (FST) as a Dictionary Type.
> - Support for Hadoop 2.x
> - Port Mahout's recommenders to Spark (??)
> - Support for Java 7
> - Better API interfaces for Clustering
> - (what else???)
> As the project moves towards a 1.0 release, the community will be focused on
> key algorithms that are proven to scale in production 
> and have seen wide-spread adoption.  
> Our plans as a community are to focus 1.0 on the support of algorithms and 
> features listed above.
> The support for the algorithms packaged in 1.0 for atleast two minor versions 
> after 1.0 release.
> In the case of removal after 1.0, we will deprecate
> the functionality in the 1.(x+1) minor release and remove
>  it in the 
> 1.(x+2) release. For instance, if feature X is to be removed after the 
> 1.2 release, it will be deprecated in 1.3 and removed in 1.4.
> [1] 
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/mahout/trunk/CHANGELOG?revision=1552746&view=markup
> [2] 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAHOUT-1376?jql=project%20%3D%20MAHOUT%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%220.9%22

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