If I may add deprecating Canopy clustering to the list once we get
Streaming KMeans working right.

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Sebastian Schelter <s...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I took some days to let the latest discussion about the state and future
> of Mahout go through my head. I think the most important thing to address
> right now is the MapReduce "legacy" codebase. A lot of the MR algorithms
> are currently unmaintained, documentation is outdated and the original
> authors have abandoned Mahout. For some algorithms it is hard to get even
> questions answered on the mailinglist (e.g. RandomForest). I agree with
> Sean's comments that letting the code linger around is no option and will
> continue to harm Mahout.
> In the previous discussion, I suggested to make a radical move and aim to
> delete this codebase, but there were serious objections from committers and
> users that convinced me that there is still usage of and interested in that
> codebase.
> That puts us into a "legacy dilemma". We cannot delete the code without
> harming our userbase. On the other hand, I don't see anyone willing to
> rework the codebase. Further, the code cannot linger around anymore as it
> is doing now, especially when we fail to answer questions or don't provide
> documentation.
> *We have to make a move*!
> I suggest the following actions with regard to the MR codebase. I hope
> that they find consent. If there are objections, please give alternatives,
> *keeping everything as-is is not an option*:
>  * reject any future MR algorithm contributions, prominently state this on
> the website and in talks
    +1, this includes the new Frequent Pattern mining impl which is MR
based that was provided as a patch few months ago

>  * make all existing algorithm code compatible with Hadoop 2, if there is
> no one willing to make an existing algorithm compatible, remove the
> algorithm
     +1. One of the questions I got asked when 0.9 was released was 'when
is Mahout gonna be compatible with Yarn and Hadoop 2'?  We should target
that for the next major//interim release.

>  * deprecate the existing MR algorithms, yet still take bug fix
> contributions
     I guess we'll be removing these in some future release, until then we
keep absorbing bug fixes ??

>  * remove Random Forest as we cannot even answer questions to the
> implementation on the mailinglist
     +1 to removing present Random Forests. Andy Twigg had provided a Spark
based Streaming Random Forests impl sometime last year. Its time to restart
that conversation and integrate that into the codebase if the contributor
is still willing i.e.

> There are two more actions that I would like to see, but'd be willing to
> give up if there are objections:
>  * move the MR algorithms into a separate maven module

>  * remove Frequent Pattern Mining again (we already aimed for that in 0.9
> but had one user who shouted but never returned to us)
     This thing annoys me the most. We had removed this from 0.9 but yet
restored it only because some user wanted it and promised to support it. We
have not heard from the user again.
      Its got old MR code that we don't support anymore and this should be
purged ASAP.

> Let me know what you think.
> --sebastian

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