Can you give me a code example?
The carry-down information is set by the parent, as you say.  The specific
information is keyed to the parent so when the child is added to the queue,
all old carrydown information from the same parent is deleted at that time,
and until that happens the carrydown information is preserved for every
child.  As you say, it can be augmented by other parents that refer to the
same child, but it is never *replaced* by carrydown info from a different
parent, just augmented.

If it didn't work this way, MCF would have horrendous order dependencies in
what documents got processed first.  As it is, when the carrydown
information changes because another parent is discovered, the children are
queued for processing to achieve stable results.


On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 10:45 AM <> wrote:

> Hi Karl,
> I am using carry-down data in a repository connector but I have figured out
> that I am unable to update/override a value that already have been set.
> Indeed, despite I am using the same key and the same parent identifier, the
> values are stacked. So, when I retrieve carry-down data through the key I
> get more and more values in the array instead of only one that is updated.
> It seems I misunderstood the documentation, I was believing that the
> carry-down data values are stacked only if there are several parent
> identifiers for the same key.
> What can I do to maintain only one carry-down data value for a given key
> and
> a given parent identifier ?
> Regards,
> Julien

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