Hello Frando,

please forgive the tone of my last mail. It seems to have sounded harsh,
I guess I didn't choose my words very well.
My point was not to discourage you from SpreadOpenOffice.org . I was
just willing to show you, beyond the simple "clearance", that we had to
act in a coordinated way, with Marketing project's lead, the Native-Lang
Confederation and at some point the German community. 
The domain name spreadopenoffice.org is bearing a powerful branding
effect. This shouldn't be taken lightly. Even so, if you read Robert
Votja's message, you will see that not everybody agrees with the plan.
Acting and planning  carefully (no bureaucracy intended here) is really
important here. 
As a last point, I'd like to stress that if you wish to give such an
"international" aspect to the site, it would be useful to get assisted
by volunteers of the native-lang projects.



> Maybe you saw the mail I posted a few days ago, where I proposed such a 
> project. Another Thread (Propagation Site) is running for some time now 
> too. Until now, there was no negative response. When Justin Clift 
> informed me, that the domain is registred and a server is ready, I 
> didn't hesitate to push the project forward because OOo 2.0 release date 
> is coming nearer and nearer.
> > One has to find a balance between (1) keeping the community involved, 
> > and organized and (2) being flexible and efficient.
> >
> > On the one hand, if you ask permission for everything, and you always 
> > seek complete approval from everyone, nothing will ever get done. We 
> > must make an effort to avoid bureocracy. On the other hand, it's good 
> > to avoid duplication of effort, it's good to keep people informed, and 
> > allow the community at large to get involved.
> >
> > So we need to ask ourselves if SpreadOOo has found an appropriate 
> > balance. I think it has because:
> >
> > (1) The idea has been floating around for a long time, this isn't sudden.
> > (2) But the official marketing project hasn't taken it up. Hence, this 
> > isn't competting with a current initiative.
> > (3) It looks like the Frando et al are keeping the community informed, 
> > and involved, and inviting contribution.
> >
> Thanks ;)
> Of course I want to include the community in the project!
> But the first steps, setting up the basic drupal system and so on, have 
> just to be done.
> Then, the page has to be filled with content. I suppose, the site will 
> also need some nice artwork ... :)
> So there's the community absolutely in demand
> regards,
> Frando
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