Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hallo Daniel,

> Some experiments fail. That's why they are called experiments. Try to
> think of it as a learning experience. You have to try something
> out.

  yes, but you have to stop and think for a while after the few not so
  successful experiments.

> Some experiments succeed,and others don't. The best we can do is (1)
> learn from past experience and (2) try again. :-)

  Try to think like user outside this community ... Lot of sites
  ... No content ...

> I wasn't really talking about globalization. I see some benefits in
> minimizing the number of URLs. If there are a lot of different URLs to
> keep track of, it becomes difficult. But of course, there are also
> many other reasons why you might want to use a different server.

  But who cares about number of URLs? Are you going to create one web
  page with all 'promotion' sites for all languages? Something like
  MarCons page? Are you expecting Czech (or any other) people to look
  at this page to find where is the 'Czech' promotion site? These
  people know this address very well from local sources, web sites. Do
  you think people are doing this for MarCon? No, the NLC leader is
  well known and is treated as MarCon ...

  You're looking at this in the whole world scope. Try to leave this
  position and think like normal user in one country. They don't care
  about other URLs over the whole world ... They are not reading
  global mailing lists, ... Simply - they don't care ...

> >   who will have last word when there will be problem (two sites fighting for
> >   the cs.spreadopenoffice.org)?
> I think that the CZ-NL project should decide.

  Why this project should communicate with spreadopenoffice.org domain
  owner when they already have (or will have) their own site and the
  cs.spreadopenoffice.org will point to this site? I know what's your
  point, but how many people will use the cs.spreadopenoffice.org site
  to access Czech promotion site? Nobody or very small number of
  people. It's useful for you, when you don't know the promotion site
  address as a foreigner, but you don't speak Czech, so it's not for
  you. Czech people will try OO.o.cz, OpenOffice.cz or any other sites
  (even non-existent sites) and if everything fails,
  www.openoffice.org is the winner.

> How about, if 'cz.spreadopenoffice.org' points straight to
> 'prejdente.openoffice.cz' ? And the CZ site (yours) could have
> a button that says "English", and it could point to
> 'en.spreadopenoffice.org'

  Yes, but read paragraph above ... What have to be done is this -
  each promotion site (any domain) should have button, text, for the
  English speaking visitors and link to the www.spreadopenoffice.org.

  Like this site http://firefox.czilla.cz/ (bottom right side is for
  the English visitors).

> language can have a website that makes sense in their language, and
> yet, it is easy to jump from one to the other. I just like that idea
> because it allows each one to exchange ideas and colaborate a bit. And
> I'm a big fan of cross-language colaboration.

  Try it, but I'm still pessimist that there will be more problems
  then benefits.

> Well, we're discussing it right now. I'm glad for that. Thank you for
> sharing your thoughts.

  You're welcome ;-)

  This discussion is good, but is about not so important points.
  The most important points are:

    - site map

    - content of each page, functionality (OS detection, ...)
  After this, there can be a discussion about CMS, visual design. When
  this will be ready, implemented, NLC projects can be invited to
  discuss $LANG.spread... possibility. Start with this and if this
  will be good enough, you'll see that people will come without

  And I'm not sure if there is a need for spreadopenoffice.org site,
  domain. IMHO the best solution is to - put the promotion site at
  www.openoffice.org and www move to the project.openoffice.org
  domain. Developer will use any address (like
  eis.services.openoffice.org, ...), but the end user is not willing
  to learn these horrible URLs.


 Robert Vojta

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