Hi, *

>Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
>> I rather think that if one wishes to work within the boundaries of
>> MP (or any) project one must ensure that one's efforts are in
>> with the project's goals.  Asking the MP leads is not such a
>> bureaucratic step, I think.  What we all do not want is losing the
>> message (or confusing it) or duplication of effort.
>It depends on what you mean by "asking". If every step requires 
>approval, and approval is almost impossible to obtain because you get 
>wrapped up in endless discussion, then I think that's very bad. On the 
>other hand, if you mean asking if anyone is currently working on a 
>project like that, then absolutely.

No one (and certainly not the MP leads) is or has suggested such a
series of steps, where one must ask permission for all things; that's a
strawman point. My point is that the proposer should determine if it is
in the mandate of the MP project; doing so further will determine
whether others are doing something similar or not.


>> (That duplication and failure to check can cost us.  You recall how
>> went ahead and arbitrarily signed us up for Linux World Boston? You
>> applauded the move,
>I applaud the move. Taking an intiative is very important. At the time
>said that if he wants to do it, and can get people for it, he should go 
>ahead. I stand by that. We definitely need more initiative.

Oh, i agree intiative is positve; but impulsiveness is a problem, too.
And it is very positive to check with the MPcommunity, in particular the
leads, to see if there is duplication (your point above)--and there was
duplication--and also seeing if the MP was interested. Sam did none of
these things. Therefore, despite your commendation of his work, it
proved a problem for us--OOo.

Mind, I think that Franz has basiclaly followed protocols; that's great!
I'd be interested, then, in seeing the MP leads and other members
discuss the propossal and its integration in MP'ss mandate.


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