Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:

No one (and certainly not the MP leads) is or has suggested such a
series of steps, where one must ask permission for all things;

Thank you, that's the point I was trying to get at.

that's a strawman point.

No, because I did not accuse you of holding that position. I don't think you do. I was trying to remind everyone that there is a need for balance. Both extremes of the issue will be bad. Once we agree that we must find balance, the arguement comes down to where the balance line is, and that is a healthy argument.

> My point is that the proposer should determine if it is
in the mandate of the MP project; doing so further will determine
whether others are doing something similar or not.


Oh, i agree intiative is positve; but impulsiveness is a problem, too.

Ok, we agree (on both statements).

Thank you for your reasonable and balanced note.


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