Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

I let the leads speak for themselves. Nevertheless, everybody hear can
make a proposal for PR activities. They only have to go through a
(quick) review process, if they're intended to come from the
project and not just from the individuals.

My limited experience, trying to get a PR release after Corel announced plans to support Linux, is that this is not quick.

If people get approached by the press, which definitely happens,
they can either refer to the "official" local project/marcon
lead or just comment as an individual, maybe as a community
member but not as a community representative.

Are you saying that MarCons are spokesmen for the project? That would be good to know. I didn't realize that came out of the recent discussion.

Most people say and do the right things about,
but unfortunately there have been some occassions where told
the press wild stuff in the name of the project.
That's what I would like to prevent as much as possible!

I can't think of any instances of that off the top of my head. But I can think of a few instances where OOo completely missed out on a news event, and at least one of which where I was involved and tried to get a response out.

O.k., what PR activities do you suggest from an
project point of view? What would be the key messages we want
to talk about? What will be our news, to make sure the press
picks up what we have/want to say?

News are harder to predict. However, if we agree that MarCons are spokesmen for the project, at least we'll know who to contact when we need to act quickly.

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