On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 19:06 +0100, John McCreesh wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 20:19 +1300, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> > To me the focus of our marketing should be on the Open Document Format
> > (ODF).
> I believe there are two distinct products to be marketed here. We are
> familiar with marketing OOo the product; one of the new features it has
> in 2.0 is support for OpenDoc.
> There also needs to be a separate activity to market the OpenDoc format
> in its own right. The big selling point of OpenDoc is that it is a
> vendor neutral specification approved by the recognised standards body.
> The fact that it is currently only fully supported by one early adopter
> (OOo) is a disadvantage, but it's very early days yet. However, it's
> important that it isn't seen as an OOo 'thing'.
> > To this end I would like it if the OpenOffice.org marketing project also
> > included marketing of StarOffice including the Enterprise Edition. To
> > me, for us to be able to do this we would need:
> [snip]
> I need convincing on this one. We make no secret of the fact that OOo
> and SO share the OOo codebase, so the fact that they both support
> OpenDoc isn't any great surprise :-) I'm also reluctant to tread on Sun
> marketing's toes - there's quite a bit of confusion out there about SO
> vs OOo already.
It is quite possible (probable?) that I am wrong but here is my

As a Marcon a business may approach me about using OOo, but would like
the level of support/stability that a large organisation can provide,
and/or the automatic conversion of Excel macros. At this point I have
become the point of contact for that company. To me it doesn't feel very
professional to now say something like "You need StarOffice here is the
URL". I would prefer to be able to show them some prepared documentation
about the pros and cons of each suite for different situations and to be
able to help them enter into a contract with Sun.

> > I think it could be a good idea to form some teams that focus on
> > marketing to different types of organisations, rather than just
> > geographical regions. Teams could be formed for:
> [snipped some good stuff on markets]
> Agreed. The SMP has listed target markets
> http://ooosmp.homelinux.org/MarketSegmentation/TargetMarkets which I
> would suggest we stick to (or change the SMP). MarCons were initially
> set up for geographies, but with the intention that the same logic could
> be applied to target markets
> http://ooosmp.homelinux.org/GoalsandObjectives/MarketingProject. I agree
> that ideally they should be teams rather than named individuals.
Thanks for these links I had forgotten that these pages existed. May
respond more when I have digested them.

> On the point about budgets - if we had a pot of money to spend now, what
> would you (or anyone else) suggest we spend it on - maybe worth starting
> a new thread?
New thread started: "Marketing budget for what?"

Thanks, Ian

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