First of all I agree with what Ian Lynch replied. 

On Sat, 24 Dec 2005, Jacqueline McNally wrote:

> Claus Agerskov wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> The project guidelines suggest communications of
> >> these types of decisions privately, and I remember you yourself
> >> said praise on-list and critique off-list.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes critique - but telling MarCons to leave their position is not
> > critism but kicking them out.
> Ryan started this thread of his own volition. I did not ask him to
> resign or kick him out. I sent him a private message revoking his MarCon
> role.

How whould you feel if your role was revoked? 

> > If you only criticise off list then only the one who is criticised
> > will see what is criticizable so the rest of the project members does
> > not learn from it. And the rest of the project members can't respond
> > if your critism is wrong.
> I agree with you. And I'm in a somewhat of a dilemma. You are saying
> that any critique is to be public, whereas others and the
> guidelines are saying that it is to be private.
> I prefer any communication to be public, especially difficult or awkward
> situations. For example, there has been some email conversations in
> which I have been cc'd in that I would have prefered not to. Statements
> about other community members that I consider to be scandalous if not
> libelous, but because private messages or marked as in-confidence, I
> have no easy way of verifying or doing anything about it. And to be
> quite honest would have preferred to be not involved. I quite understand
> people stating in their sigs, reply to the list only.

I can see that your own role are on stake if you are not following the 
guidelines. But how do we change the guidelines (and where are they by the 

> > You can view criticizable behavior as a bug - and in open source
> > projects bugs are discussed openly.
> I agree with you, but others state otherwise.

It seems that the ones in charge does not have a clue on open source 
projects and how they should be ran.
> >> I will only now consider public critique to Ryan at his request.
> > 
> > 
> > When you become a member of an open source project you will be a
> > target of public critic - escpecially from you peers.
> And I'm ok with that, but I'm not ok with what people consider all is
> wrong with the OOo MP is my problem. I am not the MP.

No you and John are project leaders - and as you have acted on your own 
without your co-leader will be seen as a formal act of OOo MP - so in this 
case you act as the (only) formal leader of OOo MP.

Then others of OOo MP react - and their oponions are also a part of OOo 

> >> The Project Leads are responsible for the recruitment of and
> >> liaison with MarCons. Usually, potential candidates contact us, as
> >> two did earlier this week. The "What Do MarCons Do?" is a minimum,
> >> and I'm happy to say that most of the MarCons exceed these
> >> requirements.
> > 
> > 
> > And where did Ryan not meet the "What Do MarCons Do?"?
> > 
> >
> That is up to Ryan to say if he wishes.

No - it is up to you to tell what is the reason for revoking Ryan's MarCon 
role. It is not his.

(And why is the formal guidelines for the Marketing Project 
on a different domain than - the it does not look formal - 
I could write something on and state that this is 
formal Marketing Project guidelines).
The most enjoyable New Year greetings
Claus Agerskov     ###= Analyze            
Co-lead/owner          #=== Requirements         Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          ==== Design/model           Subproject            ==== Implement

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