
On 2006-01-29, at 21:08 , Chad Smith wrote:

On the http://www.openoffice.org/product/reqts.html page, the X11
requirement needs to be explained.

It says "X-Server with 800 x 600 or higher resolution with 16.7 Million colour" - first of all, the term "X-server" needs to be explained, either there on the page, (it says X11 in one place and then X-Server in another - it should say X11 in both places), or with a link explaining what X11 is and how to get it. Because, I'll be honest with you, not many Mac users know
what an X-Server or X11 is.

Secondly, and this is nitpicky, the word "Color" is spelled without a U everywhere else on the page, and probably needs to be consistant on that
page as well.

I'll John take care of these points.... but I do think we should use just *one* system requirements page :-) you can already see the pain of managing multiple ones....

And, finally, since we offer NeoOffice on the website, we should probably
include the System Requirements for NeoOffice on this page as well.

Well, we only sort of offer NeoOffice/J on the site: we link to the website, and it's off OOo's. For builds/ports/localizations that comply with our licensing, the archipelago of servers is available to them, should they want to use it. NeoOffice/J uses the GPL and is built off site and has its own website with its own sys reqs. I think users can manage once they are there. FWIW, there are actually many derivatives of OOo out there, some licensed prop., some not. We don't list all those, either. i think we should list derived builds neutrally, the way one has a genealogy tree, to show how productive OOo has been. I've created a wiki to help here--feel free to add to it! :-) You'll note it's just started...




On 1/29/06, Louis Suarez-Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 2006-01-29, at 19:24 , Jean Hollis Weber wrote:

It's true that if you go to the main downloads page and choose
Macintosh in the dropdown list of OSs, you'll get taken to the Mac
page. But if there is no previous indication that OOo is available
for the Mac, why would potential new users go there in the first

I added more of an obvious link to the product page system
requirements (http://www.openoffice.org/product/reqts.html) which
won't be published for a few more minutes, to the 2.01 download page,
where I clarified the installation instructions for Mac OS X, and
then checked the other pages, like the About Us page, for mention. It
was mentioned.  I'm sure there are paths that one might take that
will bypass mention of this other builds, but I think we have the
obvious ones covered.. or are we missing big ones?  We used to
mention the key platforms on the homepage; this produced other mistakes.

John: Would it be possible just to use one system requirements page?
right now, there are two--http://www.openoffice.org/product/
reqts.html and the official one (or what I thought was official, and
by that I mean the one that is most maintained): http://
www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/sys_reqs_20.html.  Having both causes



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- Chad Smith
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