Ian Lynch schreef:

On the discuss list the issue of the Easter Eggs in Calc came up. On the
surface it appears that these are harmless fun and that was my first
reaction, Easter Eggs are fairly common in competing products. Go a bit
below the surface and thinking about it some more, there are some
marketing issues to confront. I can just imagine a teacher in a class
being Inspected By OFSTED when some wag finds the Easter Egg and
suddenly all the kids are playing space invaders instead of doing their
work. (failed lesson and in the UK 15-20 failed lessons over a week can
trigger special measures with the head losing his job) A disaster like
that would quickly get round the grapevine and it would be another
reason not to install OOo. I know our competitors have Easter Eggs but
people are not rational about these things - and there is a potential
competitive advantage. If someone wants to find a reason not to put OOo
on their school network that could be it. Making it possible for an
admin to block all Easter Eggs would be a quick fix.

It is as such: say I had some plans with OOo. (numerous installs, promotion, marketing, ...) and I promote it to be a good piece of software, I want to be backed up.

Say that OOo gets the attention Firefox gets, articles will be written, words will be spoken. And sice the EEs are there, they will be talked about. The fact that OOo claims to be better then other Os is blown to pieces for some parts of our target groups.

Making it possible for an admin to block all easter eggs is an unnecessary action. It is NOT a good thing to promote OOo with say: Unlike our competitor software, in OOo, you can easely block all Easter eggs! Wow!... there's a reason to install it !

Steven P

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