
You do not have a clue where my experience comes from and therefore can not judge nor label it but you are right :) it is a bazaar :) thank you for putting it so nicely for me :)

One thing you should know about a bazaar: It has NO style model or structure whatsoever :)

You only help me to make my point here Nicu.

One more thing: Corporate Cathedrals were abandonned somewhere in the past century because they don't work.

Don't be offended Nicu, I aim not at you nor any other volunteer.

Steven P

µNicu Buculei schreef:

Steven Pauwels wrote:

John McCreesh schreef:

It's not intended to be. We're an open-source project, not a monopoly
supplier - we can't say "You must put this 'Fred Computers Inc
recommends' logo on every advert or we'll cut you off our
preferred price plan"
I really think you do not grasp the basics of marketing.

Someone has to say it Steven, so I will say it as abruptly as I can:

I really think you are the one who do not grasp the basics of Open Source and its bazaar style model.

That is, the bazaar works completely different than the cathedral system you are used in corporate world, you cant use the same style of work (consider the MP and the entire OOo is already accused to be too much cathedral-like).

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